Category "amazon-jungle"

How can I find a guide who will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

This was one of our definition questions, but also one that interests me personally: How can I find a guide that will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

Vaccinations and medicines for Peru and Ecuador

As in my previous question let me start by stating family and I are planning to travel to Peru and Ecuador, we are planning to also visit the Amazon lodge such

Things to keep in mind when going to the Amazon rain forest

I am planning to visit the Amazon rain forest. Not the touristy places but a real adventure with a private guide (still trying to find out about that but most l

What are the "driest" places in Ecuador around March

Due to horrible planning I ended up in Ecuador during the rainy season (or the time of year where you get a LOT of rain every day). I was wondering, if you knew

Wearing makeup in the amazon (Ecuador)?

My daughter and I will be going to Ecuador in September this year, and she would like to know if wearing general makeup (foundation, mascara, and the like) will

Iquitos or Puerto Maldonado, for jungle adventures in Peru?

We'd like to stay in Peru for about 3 week this September. We're interested in visiting the Amazonian jungles, mostly for the wildlife, I care mostly about seei

Amazon forest in Colombia [closed]

I will be in Colombia for the first 2 weeks in March and want to visit the Amazon rain forest for sure. I want to take out 3-4 days for it. I

How can I find a guide who will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

This was one of our definition questions, but also one that interests me personally: How can I find a guide that will take me safely through the Amazon jungle?

Are visitors allowed in the Amazon forest in Brazil?

Are visitors allowed to go deep into the forests surrounding the Amazon river? If so, do we require any special pass from any government agency?

Etiquette when staying with an indigenous community

Later this year I'm going to Amazon rainforest in northern Brazil where I'm planning to stay for few days with an indigenous community by the Urubu river. It's