Category "brexit"

What would Brexit mean for my immediate Europe travel plans from the UK? [closed]

I am planning a trip from England to Croatia in this coming July 2016, one month after the EU referendum will have taken place in the United K

Will Brexit make a difference to my EU/UK NHIC? [closed]

As a UK citizen living in Spain, how will brixit affect my health insurance cover here? Currently we just pop on down to the local doctors, N

Brexit passport renewal - Will I need to pay again?

I am a British citizen, and my passport is due to expire in March 2019. This is about the time I should look to renew it (at a current cost of £75.50), b

Will EU country identifier be removed from cars registered in the UK after Brexit? [closed]

It is not uncommon to see cars that have been registered in the UK have a small section on the left-hand side of the number plate that will in

Hard Brexit and travel for UK citizens into Schengen countries in 2019

I am a British citizen and US permanent resident. I rarely need visas. However, I am considering a Mediterranean cruise in the spring or summer of 2019. Unlike

What do I need to travel to London during the scheduled Brexit transition date?

I'm a Belgian citizen. I'll be traveling to London from March 25th until March 31th included. I'll be working (following a training, actually)

Leaving the UK before Brexit and re-entering after Brexit as a EU citizen [closed]

I am an EU citizen currently living in the UK. On the 29th of March I need to get a flight to Dublin, and I'll come back the 31st. Is there

Can EU citizens travel to UK after Brexit with just an identity card?

I am traveling as a Belgian citizen after 28 March (brexit). Can I still enter with my identity card?

Hard Brexit and travel for UK citizens into Schengen countries in 2019

I am a British citizen and US permanent resident. I rarely need visas. However, I am considering a Mediterranean cruise in the spring or summer of 2019. Unlike

Do I need an Airport Transit Visa? (Copenhagen to Exeter via London and Dublin) [duplicate]

I'm traveling to Exeter from Copenhagen via London (Southend) and Dublin (I have no idea why the airplane is landing in Ireland). I am a Dani

EU citizens entering the UK after 29 March 2019 (policies as of 25 February 2019) [closed]

As of today, both in case of a no-deal, a yes-deal, or a delayed Brexit, will EU citizens be required upon entering the UK after 29 March 2019

Will there be landing cards in the UK after Brexit occurs?

As of today, both in case of a no-deal, a yes-deal, or a delayed Brexit, will EU citizens be required upon entering the UK after 29 March 2019 to fill in a land

Brexit and biometrics at the border for EU citizens

As of today, both in case of a no-deal, a yes-deal, or a delayed Brexit, will EU citizens have their fingerprints checked or taken upon entering the UK after 29

Brexit and questions at the border [closed]

As of today, both in case of a no-deal, a yes-deal, or a delayed Brexit, will EU citizens be required upon entering the UK after 29 March 2019

Is EU residence permit still valid for transit through London for a Non-EU citizen(post brexit) [duplicate]

I'll be traveling to India via London from Helsinki in April 2019( post brexit) , I currently hold a residence premit issued by Finland, Do I

IF UK leaves EU on March 29th, do EU holiday makers have to leave the country?

hope someone can help me out. Couldn’t really find anything regarding my question. I am a EU Citizen (Germany) and currently staying at my Girlfriends fl

After Brexit, will the EU recognize British passports that are valid for more than ten years?

This morning on TV a presenter said that after Brexit the EU would not accept passports that over ten years from date of issue to date of expiration. I go on ho

How can I ensure my trip to the UK will not have to be cancelled because of Brexit?

I've got a trip planned to the UK in June. Due to brexit, I'm worried what changes may be introduced before my arrival. I'm traveling on a EU / Polish passport

Can EU citizens travel to UK after Brexit with just an identity card?

I am traveling as a Belgian citizen after 28 March (brexit). Can I still enter with my identity card?

Are dual Irish/British citizens bound by the 90/180 day rule when travelling in the EU after Brexit?

I have dual citizenship - Irish/British - and have passports for both countries. Am I bound by the 90/180 day rule when travelling in the EU after Brexit?