Category "french-riviera"

How to get from Nice to Monaco by public transport?

What's the simplest and cheapest way to get from central Nice, France to Monaco by public transportation?

Renting a holiday house in the Riviera with a small child

Where is the best place to do holiday rentals for a holiday house in the Riviera? Any particular webpage or operator would be appreciated. We are considering

Are there any boats from Île Sainte-Marguerite to Île Saint-Honorat?

I am interested in going to the two Lerins Islands, opposite Cannes, France. I know that there are boats from the mainland to either island. However, is there

Travel from Barcelona to Nice visiting Carcassonne on the way

I'm planning to fly to Barcelona, stay there for about a week and then make my way to Nice and fly back home from there a week later. It seems like taking a b

Paris and Riviera - July/August 2015 By Train

This summer I will be going to a wedding in Paris at the beginning of July. Our plan was to just do Paris originally, but we are now considering adding London a

How to get from Nice to Monaco by public transport?

What's the simplest and cheapest way to get from central Nice, France to Monaco by public transportation?

Where is there this large rock in the French Riviera?

This came up on my lock screen but it didn't contain any specific location details. I'm trying to find where this is located. All I know is that this photo was