Category "ecuador"

Can somebody recommended a tour for the Amazon in Ecuador? [closed]

I'm heading to Ecuador next spring and I'm hoping someone can recommend a good tour that they took and how much it cost for how many days. I'

Boat access to Galapagos Islands?

It's meant to be possible to get to the Galapagos Islands by plane and by boat. If I return to Ecuador next year, which ports have tours / boats going out to t

Can I drive from Cuenca to Quito?

On the map, it doesn't show very far. But according to Lonely Planet, a bus ride takes 10 to 12 hours. So I assume the road is very poor. Is it nevertheless pos

Visit a volcano in Ecuador

There are many volcanoes in Ecuador. I would like to visit one of these, but which one to choose? I would prefer one that can be reached in a 2-3 day tour from

Is it cheaper to buy a tour to the Galápagos Islands at home or when in Ecuador?

In Quito every travel agency and hotel offers 'cheap' tours to the Galápagos Islands, but are these really cheaper than booking them ahead in your home c

Where can I eat a guinea pig in Ecuador?

In South America, cuy (guinea pig) is a local specialty, and is supposed to taste like rabbit or chicken. Wikipedia claims that it is to be found in the highlan

Is there a monument I can visit in Ecuador that marks the center of the earth?

Today I've read that the center of the earth is in Ecuador. Is this true? Obviously the equator goes through Ecuador, but how can the surface of a sphere have a

Which border crossing should I take between Ecuador and Peru

There are four border crossings between Ecuador and Peru. In order of importance: Huaquillas Macará La Balsa Nuevo Rocafuerte I have heard the main

Travelling to Peru, Ecuador, Galapagos with kids

My wife and I are planning to go to Peru and Ecuador. And also would like to visit Galapagos while we are there so I have quite a few questions but will start

Vaccinations and medicines for Peru and Ecuador

As in my previous question let me start by stating family and I are planning to travel to Peru and Ecuador, we are planning to also visit the Amazon lodge such

Taking expensive camera gear to a South America trip?

I intend to travel to South America, mainly Chile, Peru and Ecuador, but maybe also Bolivia and Colombia. The thing is, I want to take some decent landscape and

How much is the airport tax at Guayaquil airport, Ecuador?

I am not sure if the airport tax is already included in the airfare. If not, how much is it? Or where can I find this out? I am planning on traveling down to

How can I get from Cuenca, Ecuador to Arequipa, Peru?

I'll be making the trip somewhere near the 3rd week of June. How far ahead will I be able to book a flight? I'm ruling out bus trips due to the enormous dist

Where can I get a scuba diver's license in Ecuador?

I would like to go to Galapagos, therefore I want to do a scuba diving licence in Ecuador. Is there anyone who can recommend a scuba diving school in Ecuador?

Is it possible to hitchhike to Galapagos?

I'm in Ecuador and I want to go to Galapagos. As you know, it's expensive to go there (no matter by boat or by plane). I wonder if there is no possibility to hi

Is there a cruise ship or ferry departing for Ecuador from Colombia or Panama?

I'm looking for any way to go from Colombia or Panama to Ecuador by sea. It can be cruise ship or ferry transportation. Is there some company which does this ro

When is the driest time to visit Ecuador's El Oriente?

In researching when to best visit the rainforests of Ecuador, I've come across conflicting information. Frommer's and USA Today say the worst (rainiest) time is

What are the "driest" places in Ecuador around March

Due to horrible planning I ended up in Ecuador during the rainy season (or the time of year where you get a LOT of rain every day). I was wondering, if you knew

UK visa exemptions residence permit EEA [duplicate]

Do i need a transit visa for a flight that goes from Belgium to Ecuador and has a stop on London? I have a Belgian Residence Permit valid for

Travelling through Ecuador by train [closed]

I saw a documentary about tren ecuador and was so fascinated that I decided to add this to my itinerary when I travel to South America later t