Category "dushanbe"

Khojand to Dushanbe - cost vs danger?

Currently in Khojand, Tajikistan and wanting to take a taxi or something tomorrow to Dushanbe. The taxi drivers here are like vultures - I was surrounded by th

Can I get warfarin in Tajikistan (or nearby?)

I've run into a major problem, requiring urgent Warfarin. However, am in Khorog, Tajikistan, and there's NONE in town, and the pharmacist at the hospital belie

Dushanbe to Bishkek overland - options?

So after having to dash back to Dushanbe for some emergency medical supplies, I'm now short on time - and won't fit in the Pamirs this trip...but I'll HAVE to c

Is the Pamir highway passable in early October?

A friend of mine is planning a trip through "the 'Stans" including the Pamir Highway but given its extreme altitude he is worried about whether it will be open

On the Moscow-Dushanbe train, should I travel in platzkart or kupe for a calm trip?

Both will probably be full when I depart (looking at the Russian railways booking System). I'm not interested in talking to fellow passengers (esp. since my Ru