Category "vietnam"

How do I choose a travel agency to book tours from in Hanoi, Vietnam?

I am travelling to Vietnam in December and would like to book with a travel agency in the Hanoi area. There are so many to choose from, what are things that I

How to travel with a (small) child in Vietnam?

My partner and I have done quite a bit of travel with each other over the last few years and are now expecting a baby. We realise that we probably won't be able

Can anyone recommend the most interesting 2 or 3 day cycle in Vietnam? [closed]

If I wanted to go on a supported cycle in Vietnam for 2 or 3 days, where would be a good place to start/end? It would be good to see the coun

Vietnam visa has wrong dates, ending too early

I have a Vietnam visa (U.S. citizen) valid from April 17 - May 17. I applied for the visa months ago, and didn't realize the visa was only good for those dates,

Vietnam from middle of August for a month? [closed]

I'm going on a 3 month trip starting with Vietnam in the middle of August. I'll be in Vietnam for about 1 month before moving on to Cambodia.

Micro SIM cards in Vietnam and Cambodia?

I'm looking to get prepaid SIM cards while I'm travelling in SE Asia this fall. How is the availability of micro SIM cards (i.e. the kind you use for iPhones) i

Is there any ferry to the south of Thailand from Vietnam or Cambodia?

I would like to go to the south of Thailand (anywhere south of Bangkok) from Cambodia or Vietnam. I have some old information (2007) about a ferry between Sihan

Travel from Thailand to Vietnam through Laos - good idea?

I'm trying to plan a trip route, which includes traveling from north Thailand to Vietnam. Since I don't have a strict time limitation, I thought that maybe inst

One month in Vietnam [closed]

I have just started planning for a month in Vietnam some time this or next year? The following are the questions I have so far: Which is the

Travel between Ho Chi Minh City and Kampot

I'm looking for a relatively painless but interesting way to get from Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) and Kampot in Cambodia. The most commonly suggested route seems

Transport options from Ha Tien, Vietnam to Kep, Cambodia

I've been looking for ways to travel from Ha Tien to Kep. Most of the information suggests motorbikes (which sound high risk) or buses, which don't go until noo

Which is the cheapest way to get to Vietnam from Europe in summer? [closed]

The complete question is: Which is the cheapest way to get to Vietnam in summer by flying from Europe? I'm planning a one-month trip to Vietna

Internet speed in Nha Trang Vietnam?

Has anyone been to Nha Trang city in Vietnam? What is the internet speed there? Wi-fi and mobile internet.

British National flying to Vietnam from Bangkok. Can I get the visa on arrival?

I will be flying to Vietnam from Bangkok this summer and I'm trying to figure out if I will need to apply for my visa in advance. As I understand it (from vario

Traveling from Thailand to Laos to Vietnam

This summer I'm planning to go to Thailand, Laos and then through to Vietnam. I know very little about this. I was wondering if somebody would be able to tell m

Map of Vietnam to mark up and draw on ahead of time

I am planning to go to Vietnam for more or less 12 days next year. I am looking for a good map to mark up routes and sites for historic areas and parks in some

Is there any ferry from Vietnam to Hong Kong?

I would like to have an Asia trip from Malaysia to Hong Kong (if possible). Is there anyone who has been doing this kind of trip? And I wonder if there is any

What are the options for shipping luggage to the US from Vietnam? [closed]

I'm going to be traveling in Vietnam and would like to bring along expensive and heavy camera equipment, but afterwards have the freedom to go

Do motorbikes in Vietnam have room to carry a large backpacking backpack?

If you buy/rent a motorbike in Vietnam do they have ones with the abilities to strap on a large backpacking backpack? I've seen just regular motorbikes without

How do you find out whether or not certain vitamins are legal or bring into a country?

How do you find out whether or not certain over the counter vitamins in the U.S. are legal or bring into another country? Specifically Vietnam?