Category "discrimination"

Can I side-step discrimination against foreigners in Japan?

I've heard that there can be discrimination against foreigners, and even naturalized citizens born in other countries, in Japan, and that it happens in onsen, b

How can non-Caucasians avoid suspicious looks when traveling in the West?

Being an Arab with Arabian looks, after September 11 things have changed dramatically when Arabs or people with similar looks (Indians, Pakistanis, Turkish, Kur

Do people in Georgia (the country) have any dislike of Muslims?

I'm an Egyptian medicine student, and I will be going to Georgia on an exchange program in February. I am a Muslim and I wear the head scarf, not black or anyth

Is there a website that measures the level of xenophobia in countries/cities?

Is there a website that measures the level of xenophobia in countries or cities? It would be better if it's color coded. Xenophobia could mean a lot for some

Are Japanese women visiting middle eastern countries at risk of being seen as "easy"? [closed]

I've heard that in some (but not all!) areas in the middle east, there's a stereotype held by some (but not all!) that western women are easy.

Is it common that hostels charge more for woman only dorm rooms?

When I was in Tbilisi (Georgia), during my one week trip, 3 months ago, I found out in some hostels the women only dorm rooms have higher prices than mixed dorm

In Japan, what is a "Philippine pub"?

In Japan, what is a "Philippine pub" (フィリピンパブ)? I tried googling for "Philippine pub Japan", but didn't have m

Examples of higher prices charged to tourists vs. locals [closed]

I want to show my inexperienced travel partner in a fun way how local businesses often charge higher prices to tourists. There was this fun b

How are different ethnicities discriminated against in Japan? [closed]

I was reading this article called Can I side-step discrimination against foreigners in Japan? and it makes me wonder, how are different ethnic

Why does the visa for India for ask for the name of my father/husband?

The visa form for US residents specifically asks for the name of my husband or father: Other countries (e.g. France) ask for detailed information about both

Do any airlines have bans on children from certain passenger sections?

Do any airlines have bans on children riding in certain passenger sections? (As opposed to banning them from the cockpit) I think I've heard about it before, b

Are non-Muslims allowed to visit the Prophet's Mosque in Medina?

Are non-Muslims allowed to visit the Prophet's Mosque in Medina, assuming you are allowed into Saudi Arabia in the first place? Wikivoyage mentions that non-Mu

How can you complain about being wrongly denied boarding and demand compensation?

An African friend of mine was traveling from Dar es Salaam to the UK (Manchester) and had an "Indefinite leave to remain" visa. His wife and c

Will I encounter any problems as a recognizable Jew in India?

I may have to travel to Bangalore, India for work at some point in the future. While there I may be traveling in other parts of India as well. In the past I hav

Are airlines allowed to involuntarily reassign a seat on the basis of gender in Australia?

I understand that airlines can reassign a seat for operational reasons, such as making sure the plane is balanced. But I've read a September 2016 article about

Can a naturalised Japanese citizen enter a Japanese-only establishment?

Someone I know just obtained Japanese citizenship, but is originally European. Various establishments state that they only cater to Japanese, is that strictly

Can an ethnic Armenian visit Azerbaijan?

I have heard and seen conflicting information about whether ethnic Armenians (i.e. individuals holding non-Armenian citizenship, but of Armenian descent) can en

What are one's options when facing religious discrimination at the airport?

I heard about the young girl who was forced to remove her scarf in front of everyone next to an Air Canada gate. It is clear discrimination, I have never heard

Are there any active, regularly scheduled commercial flights that are reserved for only one gender or other demographic factor?

I read on (mirror): From 1953 through 1970, United offered men-only ‘Executive fl

Are there certain countries that a black African traveler should avoid travelling to? [closed]

I'm in my 20s and originally from East Africa. I live in Ireland but have traveled across Western Europe and to the US/Canada. I've found very