Category "overland"

How can I travel between US towns without flying?

Can you help me decide, what type of transport can I use to travel from one US town to another (it will be a big journey), without flying? Are buses available,

What is the safest way to travel from Tehran to North-Pakistan?

What is the safest way to go from Tehran to Hunza (North Pakistan)? Travelling mainly by bus and local transportation wherever possible. Note: I am aware it wi

Overlanding without a Carnet de Passage?

There's a lot of (sometimes contradictory) information to be found around the internet about a Carnet de Passage. The linked Wikipedia article, for instance say

Is it possible to travel through Burma (Myanmar), entering at one border crossing and exiting at another?

I know that it is possible to enter Burma/Myanmar from several border crossing with neighbouring countries, and I'm pretty sure that from some of them at least

When travelling overland in Russia I hear you must register with the police in each new place, but does this cost money?

When travelling overland in Russia (i.e. not on the Trans-Siberian) I hear you must register with the police in each new place, but does this cost money? I kno

Is it possible to go directly from Siem Reap to Vientiane over land?

I'm planning on going to Vientiane in Laos, but I wanted to cross over land from Cambodia. Are there direct bus connections from Siem Reap to Vientiane, and if

How far away can I get with my car starting in Amsterdam?

It is a question I have been dreaming about since I can remember. Could I for example drive to Argentina from Amsterdam, or can I drive all the way to South-afr

Dushanbe to Bishkek overland - options?

So after having to dash back to Dushanbe for some emergency medical supplies, I'm now short on time - and won't fit in the Pamirs this trip...but I'll HAVE to c

Overland route from the Caucasus to Mongolia without entering Russia?

I plan to base myself in the Replubic of Georgia for a while and I'm thinking of a trip from there to Mongolia but I have some restrictions: No flying (overlan

What is the best way to travel around Israel and Palestine?

I am want to go to travel around Israel and Palestine (ideally most places other than the Gaza Strip) what is the most practical way to get about? Is it best to

Getting 3rd party car insurance for Iran from Pakistan

We are Australians driving our New South Wales (state in Australia) registered vehicle from Sydney to the United Kingdom. Currently in Sri Lanka, we head next

What would be an example of a currently possible overland route from Europe to Israel?

Given the problems between Israel and several of its neighbours added to the problems in several Middle East countries due to the Arab Spring, and perhaps some

Overland trip in Uganda with camping

I'm looking at a overland trip in Uganda, approximately 14 days. I am ok with some amount of camping, but I'm not terribly interested in the "dig your own hole

Quickest way from London to Dubai without flying?

This is a question from a friend not (yet!) on Travel.SE... From London, what is the quickest way to get to Dubai (via trains, buses, ferries etc) without flyi

Are there ways to keep long-distance land transport costs down in France when not planning in advance?

Ten years ago I travelled around Europe for the first time and in some countries I was very frustrated by high cost of trains and lack of alternatives to them.

Overlanding in Egypt without a carnet de passage?

I know some people have entered Egypt without a Carnet de Passage so I know it is possible, what I need to know is how long can you drive it in Egypt that way,

What is a safe overland route from Europe to India using public transport?

The traditional Hippie trail included Afghanistan and Pakistan which most people now consider unsafe to travel through. Even if one would decide to go through

Are there transport options in Costa Rica than can be shared between travelers?

I am aware of public buses, flights, and shuttle bus companies Grayline and Interbus Do you have other suggestions? Are there easy ways to book shared cars or

Is possible to cross the Bering Strait without flying?

I'm planning a trip and one of my main points is not to fly unless absolutely necessary. My biggest problem is how to cross from Asia to America without a plane

Can I travel to North Korea overland (via train)?

I understand there's only one company that actually does the North Korea tours (although a lot of other tour agencies will allow you to book through them). I am