Category "edinburgh"

Are there any direct buses between Dundee and Edinburgh Airport?

Next week I will fly to Edinburgh Airport (EDI) and I will stay in Edinburgh and Dundee. Are there any direct buses between Dundee and Edinburgh Airport or shou

Which airlines give fast-track security access at Edinburgh airport?

Edinburgh airport says on their website: Some airlines offer FastTRACK tickets to their passengers, for example as part of a frequent flyer reward scheme.

Fly into Edinburgh or Glasgow?

Is there any reason to fly to Edinburgh or Glasgow if flight prices and times are approximately the same? I want to tour around Scotland, so I will visit both c

Searching a trekking route near Edinburgh

I am Italian and I love running and trail running in natural places. I am going to Edinburgh for a few days. I am searching for a max 25 km (about 15 miles) tr

When the Edinburgh tram isn't running, is there an official alternative from the airport?

Yesterday, I went to get the tram from Edinburgh airport into the city. I bought a £5 single ticket, boarded the tram that was about to depart, and sat do

Visiting the Edinburgh Fringe (events information)

I've wanted to visit the Edinburgh Fringe for some time now and if not this year, then almost certainly next year. How do I go about it? Are there tickets to th

Can we get a rental car from near Edinburgh's Waverly station?

We are traveling by train from London to Edinburgh's Waverly station. We need to get a rental car once we arrive. Can we arrange for a rental car company to pic

Getting from Edinburgh Airport to Linlithgow with lots of luggage

I wonder what the options are for going from Edinburgh Airport to Linlithgow with lots of luggage? (Two persons with two bags each. Maybe "normal" luggage for m

Ocean view east of Edinburgh

I have one more day to kill in Scotland and I started to think that it would be nice to see the ocean. Where is the closest spot to do this outside of Edinburgh

How to visit Edinburgh during a layover at Edinburgh Airport?

Is a 6 hour layover in Edinburgh enough time to get into the city (Apple Store) and back to the airport in time for your next flight? If so, how do you recommen

I'm trying to get from London Heathrow to Edinburgh [closed]

I'm trying to get from London Heathrow to Edinburgh with my family (4 people), and can't figure out which option is the best trade-off between

Where in Edinburgh can I shop for outdoor gear?

I'm going for a first time sailing trip next week on the Scottish West Coast and the Hebrides. I assumed nice weather this time of the year, but it turns out to

Car rental in Scotland

I will be travelling to Scotland in the end of October and I'm looking into renting a car for 10 days to visit the beautiful Scotland landscape. I have already

Is it practical to avoid the Edinburgh Tram Airport surcharge by walking a bit?

According to the Edinburgh Trams ticket options site, a ticket from any stop except the airport into the city is only £1.60, while one from the airport is

Luggage storage options around Edinburgh Haymarket

I need to stash my bag away in Edinburgh for a couple of hours on Sunday. I will stay close to Haymarket station so I am looking for an option in that area. The

Dual US/NL citizen traveling to Edinburgh and Copenhagen

I am planning on traveling from Boston to Edinburgh early this March and then on to Copenhagen some days later. If it is relevant anywhere, I am a US/NL dual ci

Facilities around the Loony Dook

We are a group of Germans travelling to Edinburgh for New Year's. We're taking part in the Loony Dook and we're wondering about facilities around the event. Ou

Travelling to Edinburgh from India

I am planning to travel to Edinburgh on 4/July and return to India on 15/July. I am planning to travel to London and then take a train from there. Can some on

Check in luggage on flights between London and Edinburgh

I have checked 5 flights between London and Edinburgh. All of them says Check in baggage 0 kgs, Cabin baggage 10 kgs. Is this the case for every flight betwe

How can I know in advance if a private bathroom is not en suite?

A friend and I are going to visit Edinburgh. Since we are travelling from different locations and my stay is shorter, we booked different hotels. While booking