Category "drugs"

What to do if drugs / a bomb are planted in your travel bag?

So the scene: You're flying from Bogota, Colombia to New York, USA. You arrive, pick up your bag from the carousel, and figure you'll stuff your netbook you us

Declaring illegal substances at customs - what would happen?

I've always wondered this. Occasionally I declare medicines, or wood carvings or whatever when going through customs. The point of asking you to declare these

Tours of opium poppy farms or processing facilities in Tasmania

I read several years ago that Tasmania is a major supplier of legal opiate products, and this weekend I spotted first-hand some farms growing opium poppies. Ar

Is weed still legal for tourists in Amsterdam?

I have heard it's not legal starting from 2013. I also heard they postponed applying this? So what's the deal? Allowed or not?

Is it legal to smoke weed in Czech Republic?

I know that buying and selling marijuana in Prague is illegal. As I were there in October 2012 I haven't seen any coffee-shops, but I have seen a lot of people

Issues when carrying medication on an airplane when travelling to Germany?

I am going to fly to Germany tomorrow. I wished to take few tablets and syrup for cold,fever etc. Now I want to know whether there is any problem to carry drugs

Is smoking weed legal or just tolerated in Colorado?

On 1.1.2014 at least 24 pot shops opened in Colorado and I wonder if smoking marijuana is now legal or just tolerated as long as you don't smoke on the street

What are the regulations for transporting medication abroad?

This is in reference to medications, both prescription and non-prescription, not illicit drugs. Since the legality may vary on country, let's say a round trip f

Should I use a lockable suitcase in India?

In some countries, there is the risk that people add illegal drugs to your luggage in an unobserved moment. One way to prevent that is to use lockable suitcas

Can I get high before I fly out of the Mile High city?

I've got a longish layover (let's say, for arguments sake, just shy of four and a half hours...) at Denver airport between two domestic flights. Given the newl

Bringing prescription drugs into Bangkok

I am planning to visit Thailand, Bangkok for 5 days as a tourist. However, I am also epileptic and will need the following drugs with me: carbamezapine valproi

Cure for departure anxiety in less developed countries?

I've been once or twice to places like India and I have a fear about leaving. The fear is that I will place my suitcase for hold luggage on the belt and a litt

In which countries (or states) can a traveler smoke weed and not face any legal charges? [closed]

According to the accepted answer to this question tourists cannot smoke weed anymore in coffee shops, in Amsterdam. It is allowed only for res

How to clean drug misdemeanor in US so I don't get stopped at border every time?

I'm an American living in Canada. 11 years ago, when I was 19, I was stupid and had some pot in my car while driving through a border patrol checkpoint. (Note:

Can I fly with white powder in a transparent bag?

Instead of plain old coffee, I sometimes like to get my daily caffeine ration from other drinks, e.g. fruit juice. For this purpose I have bought some pure caff

Taking personal prescription drugs to London?

I have some prescription modafinil, and will be visiting London for a short trip. Is it okay to bring a couple of pills for personal use? I do not have a prescr

Why animal drugs don't need permission at airports? [closed]

Yesterday I saw the movie The Terminal (2004). In one scene there is a russian guy taking medicines to his father but he stopped by customs. V

Does travel insurance covers hiking on high altitudes are participation in shamanic ceremonies?

I think that general answer is: "read the small print" I'll take my chances and ask if a generic travel insurance would cover: hiking on Inca Trail? (up to 42

Can I bring xanax (or valium) on a plane?

Is it allowed in Union Europe to bring with you (i.e. in hand luggage) xanax (or valium or any similar anxiety medication)? for personal usage, most likely one

Can I bring prescription Adderall into Vietnam while on vacation there?

I heard that it is in the same category as meth and heroin and is not sold there. I'll be there for a month and just want to know if the bottle will be taken aw