Category "canary-islands"

Transit between ferries on Tenerife

I'm planning to take a ferry from Gran Canaria to Tenerife and then Tenerife to La Palma on 21 December. The ferry from Gran Canaria arrives at Tenerife 17:00,

How warm is the sea in Lanzarote in the Canaries in February?

I'll be in Lanzarote in February. I've been there in high summer when of course it was very hot but what's the sea temperature like in February?

Fuerteventura surfing and quiet romantic accommodation [closed]

My partner and I are looking to go surfing in Fuerteventura in November and we're looking for recommendations for a surf school and accommodat

Where can I find the duration of a bus trip on Gran Canaria?

On 21 December, I will travel by bus from Aeropuerto Gran Canaria via Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Agaete/Puerto de Las Nieves. I found timetables for buses on

Tenerife South Airport to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria by public transport

What's the cheapest option other than flying?

Services to help disabled travelers when travelling, eg with accommodation in Canary Islands and travel from Russia

I'm disabled, from Russia. And I'm planning to travel in the future as much as I can. I'm seeking companies, services, which can to help me with accommodation,

Where can I find authentic areas in Canary islands? [closed]

I am going on a trip to the Canary Islands and I have heard that it is quite commercial in some areas. Does anyone know of the authentic and

Accessing the Mount Teide summit when all 200 permits per day are already booked

I'm going on a trip to the Canary Islands and would not like to miss accessing the Mount Teide summit, but: Access to the summit itself is restricted; a free p

Are prepaid credit cards widely accepted in Gran Canaria?

I am thinking about getting a prepaid credit card for my trip in Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain). Are these widely accepted in the region?

Tenerife South Airport to Teide

Tenerife South is the biggest airport in the Canary Islands, and Teide is them most popular tourist attraction, so it would be very useful if the internet had i

Car rental deposit €730 for 24h in a small car?

For the first time ever I rented a small car (I think it was an old Citroën C3 with lots of scratches) at Las Palmas de Gran Canaria for less than 24h. I

Which Beaches in the Canary Islands are Closed Due to the Oleg Naydenov Oil Spill? [closed]

I am posting this wondering if anyone knows which beaches are now closed if any due to the wreckage of the Oleg Naydenov ship. See this websit

Can anybody recommend some organic farms for volunteering on the Canary Islands? [closed]

The coming two years I will combine studying (permaculture) and backpacking through Europe while volunteering on organic farms. Can anyone rec

Canary Islands, Tenerife unlimited data SIM [closed]

I am going on holiday to Tenerife (Canary Islands), I already have two MiFi dongles and only need a SIM. What are cheapest unlimited (or lar

Why are there so many well-kept ancient VW pick-ups on La Palma? [closed]

I've been recently on the beautiful island of La Palma, and in the rural areas, I noticed a considerable number of similarly-styled cars (same

Are there car rental companies in Tenerife which allow taking the car to neighboring islands?

Researching car rental options in Tenerife, I was surprised to find out most apparently ban ferry-hopping between islands, even though all of them are within S

How can I go from Canary Islands to the Caribbean by sea in October?

Is there any commercial boat? I'm thinking in moving there but I have 2 dogs, one of the survival of filaria, 12 years old, and I'm afraid that if I go by airpl

Can someone help me identify where this rock is located in Lanzarote?

Several years ago, I drove around Lanzarote, and came across this strange rock, but I cannot remember why. Can someone identify where it is?

Do the Canary Islands always have high waves?

We are considering to travel to the Canary Islands for the holidays, mainly to visit the seaside. Since we have a one-year-old toddler, we are interested in bea

Is there a charge for mountain rescue in Spain (Canary Islands)?

I am going on holiday to Tenerife and La Palma, and planning to do some hiking in the mountains. Nothing unusual, sticking to marked trails. When looking for t