Category "dutch-citizens"

Do I need to get a visa before flying for one month holiday to Peru and Bolivia?

Do I need to get a visa before flying to Peru and Bolivia for one month holiday? Or can I just get it once I've landed there ? I'm from Europe (The Netherlan

What do I need to work and travel in the US for 10 months as a Dutch citizen?

I am a Dutch citizen planning on going on a big trip to the USA from January 2014 to October 2014. I want to visit Canada and Honduras as well during this trip,

What non third world country would allow me to work temporarily?

I am planning on going on a 10 month trip after my study as a Dutch citizen. In this 10 months I mostly want to travel, but as money will be needed at some poin

From J1 TO ESTA the same year

I am a Dutch citizen, I have been in the US since 2 January under J1 VISA, exchange student. My J1 visa finish 8 may,then I will be in the grace period and I ju

Visa Waiver Program Re-entry

I know comparable questions have been asked but I would really appreciate it if you guys would give me advice on this matter. My girlfriend is currently taking

Which countries can someone from Sweden freely travel to that someone from the Netherlands can't?

The Visa Restrictions Index says that people with a passport from the UK, Finland and Sweden can travel freely to 173 countries. People from Belgium, Italy and

Visiting South Africa twice for 90 days while I wait for my study permit?

I am a student in South Africa but I am not from there, in fact, I am from The Netherlands. I would like to know if I can get a visitor's visa twice for 90 days

Australia ETA (Evisitor)

I received an Australian Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) issued for a planned visit to Australia. I am scheduled to fly tomorrow. My family name as listed

Traveling with dual citizenship (dutch and US) from US to Netherlands, and back [duplicate]

I've been doing a lot of research on how to travel with dual citizenship and feel like I always get conflicting answers. I'm going to be flyin

Possible to acquire a Dutch passport with dutch grandparents? [closed]

I would like to travel to Europe (and maybe live/study) and having a Dutch passport would be extremely useful. My situation: My grandparents

Dual citizen entering the US on one passport and leaving on another

I am a Canadian and Dutch citizen. I am going on a trip to the Netherlands in January. I am going to be driving across the border (from Canada to the US), and t

Dual passport US/EU in transit through London between US and EU. What to use where? [duplicate]

There are several answers regarding the use of dual passports when traveling between the US and the EU. But here is a twist. I have a fligh

My home country claims I am a dual national of another country, the country in question does not. Problem?

My home country, Netherlands, claims I am a dual national of Netherlands and Belgium. This information could be found in the GBA (residents archive) before they

Am I allowed to take alcoholic beverages from the US in my luggage, if I'm under 21?

I am a 19 year old Dutch person living in the Netherlands and with family in the United States. I have been in the USA often and found that they sell a few spec

I have a double entry Chinese visa. Can I transit in China without using it?

My husband and I would like to undertake a month long trip through Asia. The main idea is to visit many parts of China, but we would like to visit other parts o

May a Dutch citizen enter the Netherlands using a foreign passport?

EDIT: I have just noticed that the linked page on the Dutch identification requirement has changed. I do not know when or why it changed. It now reads Identi

Do Dutch people need a visa for New Zealand?

I'm Dutch and want go to New Zealand as a tourist for two to three weeks. Do I need a visa?

Does a Dutch citizen need a visa to visit South Korea as a tourist? [duplicate]

I am a Dutch citizen and want to visit South Korea. Do I need a visa?

Married surname on flight ticket, maiden name in passport with extra option of new surname

My parents will come and visit me in few months time. They will fly with Turkish airlines. My dad booked the tickets with names; Albert Jack Harrington (Father

Can I cancel my plane tickets to Russia after obtaining a Russian visa?

I want to get a Russian tourist visa to take the Trans Mongolian express from Beijing. However I will not book my train tickets in advance. Can I book flight