Category "embassies"

Kazakhstan visa in Uzbekistan?

I'll be passing through Uzbekistan shortly, and will need another Kazakhstan tourist visa before I head back there. What locations can I get this at, and any i

Which embassy/consulate to contact when you need consular support for a family where the parents have different nationalities?

This is a question we have asked our self a lot, but never found a proper answer. We are a couple with different nationalities, where our children have both. We

What services do US embassies provide to travelers?

What services do US embassies generally provide to citizens traveling abroad? In other words, what types of issues encountered while traveling can be taken to t

Can I apply for an Iranian visa in the Republic of Georgia?

I've done a bit of searching on the net and haven't come up with much. I intend to stay in the Republic of Georgia for a while and at some point take a trip to

Tips for getting a visa when there's no embassy in one's country of residence

I'm looking for general tips about how to get a visa cheaply when there are no embassies in one's country of residence. This has prevented us from getting visa

What's the difference between embassies and consulates?

Today Mitt Romney called Benghazi the capital of Libya (it's Tripoli) and apparently mixed up consulates and embassies. I thought it'd be a handy question to h

How to find out which days the Chinese embassy/consulate in Kuala lumpur is open?

I'm planning to get a visa for China while I'm in Kuala Lumpur soon, but I discovered I'll be arriving during a major Muslim holiday period, Hari Raya Puasa (Ei

Obtaining Mongolian visa in Vientiane, Laos

If my Chinese visa application today goes well I'm hoping to then apply for my Mongolian visa here in Vientiane, Laos. But I can't find the current location or

How to find the genuine websites for consulates, embassies, and immigration offices around the world?

Very often when travelling about the world you need to check the official word on obtaining visas and visa extensions and other related information. But increa

Misspelt address on passport

I am an Indian citizen in the USA (Houghton, Michigan). I am on an F1 visa right now and had reapplied for a "renewal of passport". All the correct forms were s

Whom to contact for opting out of a Visa Interview for USA?

Me and my family were planning for a Trip to USA / Canada this year... So all the travel documents including documents required for the USA Visa were collected

Visa services in time of War

I am from Libya. Because of war all the embassies have closed in my country. Would it be possible for me to apply for a visa in a different country?

What section of the US Embassy issues Visas and how do I address them in a formal letter?

I need to travel to the US. I have heard that we need to prove somehow that we have a strong affinity to a country outside the US which we will return to after

Indian Passport stolen in France. Can Indian embassy in Austria issue a new passport?

I am a student in Austria travelling around Europe. My Indian passport was stolen in France. I immediately reported the theft in the nearest police office and g

How long does it take the UK embassy to grant tourist visa?

I will be in Denmark soon and I was wanting to apply for a tourist visa to UK from Copenhagen. What is the duration the embassy will need to give me a visa. Us

At which embassy should I apply for a Schengen visa when staying a few days in several countries?

I'm planning to go to Germany on Sept 6-8, then Netherlands on Sept 8-11 and exit Switzerland on Sept 11-14. My question is: Which embassy do I need to apply

Can we get full refund on cancellation of ticket if embassy closed down?

I'm a citizen of India and I bought a ticket from Austrian airlines in advance as to apply for a visa of Albania but unfortunately the Albanian embassy closed d

South African on a charity visa in the UK. I need a Schengen visa. What would be the easiest to get the visa? [duplicate]

South African on a charity visa in the UK. I need a Schengen visa. What would be the easiest to get the visa? Where would be the easiest embas

Which cities in Vietnam have a Chinese embassy or consulate where I can apply for a visa?

As usual there are lots of fake sites when trying to Google for current facts about embassies and consulates. I want to know what my options are for where to a

Is a tour of a US Embassy possible?

Just as seeing the inside of tech companies would be interesting, I think it could be interesting to see the inside of embassies too. Let's say I was going to b