Category "krabi"

Is there hostel-like accommodation in the Krabi-Phuket area?

In general, my girlfriend and I prefer to stay in a hostel rather than in a 5-star hotel. For this reason, we are a bit worried about the Krabi-Phuket area sinc

Quicker / cheaper way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Krabi by land transport?

I'm currently in Kuala Lumpur and have a friend I can meet up with in Ton Sai in Krabi Province. There is a train from here to Thailand but the closest it look

The cheapest way from Krabi town to Krabi airport

I am in krabi Thailand now and tomorrow is my flight at 2100 to Jakarta. I am only 1 person and always travel like a backpacker. I would like to ask 1 questio

What is an acceptable time to wait for other passengers in a songthaew in Thailand?

Today I was taking a Songthaew (shared taxi) in Krabi Town and there were only three passengers, me and two friends, present. The normal fare after 6pm is 60 ba

The cheapest way from Krabi town to Krabi airport

I am in krabi Thailand now and tomorrow is my flight at 2100 to Jakarta. I am only 1 person and always travel like a backpacker. I would like to ask 1 questio

Thailand visa on arrival. How long does it take to get it?

It depends on circumstances but wondering how long it might take to get a visa on arrival in Krabi airport in November?

Thailand Krabi airport - souvenir shops assortment

From What to Expect on Arrival and Leaving Krabi Airport: Krabi Airport has all the facilities required to travel comfortably: ATM machines, money exchang

Doha connection is 25 minutes: timing changed after we purchased tickets

We are flying from Heathrow to Krabi via Doha on Sunday. We recenty noticed that, after buying the tickets, the connection time in Doha changed and now we only

Travel from Krabi to Koh Yao Yai

Later this month I will be traveling to Koh Yao Yai from Krabi Airport. As online travel information is either dated, fragmented across different websites or bo