Category "islam"

Are there any standard clothing restrictions when visiting mosques?

I know from visiting many catholic churches that many require knees and shoulders to be covered, so dressing appropriately is essential for hassle-free travel.

Which countries are "Muslim countries"?

In the question about drinking beer in Dubai it arose that the term "Muslim country" can be seen as one where the laws of the country are affected by the rules

How safe is it for "Western" Muslims to participlate in the Hajj and visit Mecca?

So as I hope you all know, the Hajj is a religious pilgrimage that Islam requests all its believers to participate in at least once in their lifetime if possibl

Is it safe for a Muslim to visit Israel nowadays?

Is it safe for a Muslim to visit Israel nowadays? I got different answers for my question every time I ask. Can somebody with real experience help?

Do people in Georgia (the country) have any dislike of Muslims?

I'm an Egyptian medicine student, and I will be going to Georgia on an exchange program in February. I am a Muslim and I wear the head scarf, not black or anyth

Is it possible see the interiors of the Dome of the Rock?

Is it possible to visit Dome of the Rock for non-muslim tourists these days? Last time I tried was in 2005, and back then it wasn't.

Are there any mosques in Liechtenstein?

Are there any mosques in Liechtenstein? I like to visit a local mosque in every city I visit. Any Idea?

What is appropriate attire for women in Muslim countries?

If my girlfriend was going to travel with me to, say, Jordan, or where-ever, should she probably wear a hijab when she's out and about in public?

How safe is it for a British Sunni Muslim to visit Iran with family?

I'm a British Sunni Muslim considering a visit to Iran with my wife and 2 year old daughter. Some online research suggested that Sunni Muslims in Iran are perse

Locating a Sunni mosque in Worcestershire

I am hosting a group of Saudi Arabians in Worcestershire, UK. I am trying to locate a suitable mosque (Sunni based) that they can attend but I am struggling to

Is it inappropriate to record the call to prayer?

I am currently on holiday in Marrakech, Morocco, and have found that the frequent calls to prayer from mosques throughout the day are quite a core part of life

Are non-Muslims allowed to build snowmen in Saudi Arabia and similar countries?

I recently read Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen'. A religious scholar issued a fatwa (which merely means legal opinion) against the building of sno

Is a male guardian required for women skiing in Iran?

NY Mag's article Vogue Left Out a Few Things About Skiing in Iran claims that women need a male guardian to go skiing, citing a 2011 Washington Post article. (T

Are there any halal restaurants in Mondulkiri? [closed]

I cannot speak Khmer. I have never been to Sen Monorom before. Can anyone let me know where to find halal food to eat?

What do I need to know about traveling to Dubai during Ramadan?

I bought tickets to Dubai for the summer for a small vacation (first week of July). Unfortunately, I did not realize it was during Ramadan. I have been told by

How to calculate when Ramadan finishes?

I'm likely to be in Bahrain close to the the end of Ramadan this year. The problem is people are telling us different dates for when Ramadan finishes. Indeed,

What are the restrictions imposed by the Sharia law in Aceh, Sumatra?

It seems that Sharia law is now applied in the northern tip of Sumatra (Indonesia). That is, in the province of Aceh. The province of Aceh on Google Map. Does

How much is a visitor affected by Ramadan in Aceh (Indonesia) considering it has Sharia law?

The Aceh province, in Indonesia, applies the Sharia law all year round. It does impact a traveler's visit whether one likes it or not, as pointed out in What ar

Is it possible to visit the Vatican while wearing a Hijab?

I have read the question "Is there a dress code when visiting the Vatican in Rome?" carefully and I thought "the better covered the more welcomed" just like the

As a Muslim transiting Abu Dhabi on Etihad can I drink alcohol?

I am Muslim and transiting Abu Dhabi on Etihad. I will travel from US to Abu Dhabi. I am not looking to get drunk - just enjoy a beer with a meal. I have heard