Category "ethiopian-airlines"

Can I use external movie source on Ethopian Airlines 787?

I just booked a flight on Ethiopian Airlines and I saw that the plane is a Boeing 787-8. (Dreamliner??) I'm traveling with a child and I was wondering if it's p

Is US pre-clearance avaiable for Ethiopian Airlines at Dublin Airport?

I will be travelling to Los Angeles in a few weeks using Ethiopian airlines and would like to know whether I can avail of the pre-clearance service. The answer

Does a USB to UK socket adapter exist?

I hope this isn't too confusing. I'm travelling on Ethiopian Airlines in a few days and I see that the flight has a USB. I know that I can charge my electronic

Can alcohol be requested at any time on an Ethiopian Airlines flight?

I'm travelling to LAX from Dublin and I would like to just a nice buzz that puts me to sleep. I do know that with unruly passengers, the cabin crews of many air

Multi-hop transit visa in Addis Ababa and Dublin clarification for Indian passport holder

I'm hoping to fly this long-haul multi-hop trip to reach San Diego on the west coast of the USA from Tokyo, Japan by flying westward. I have an Indian passport,

Ethiopian Airlines tickets seem to always have the same price regardless of the proximity of the date?

UPDATE: Ethiopian Airlines indeed offers a currently 66% discount on domestic flights, if you're an Ethiopian resident, or if you fly into/out of Ethiopian with

Asked by Ethiopian airlines to pay 3500 USD for being rejected entry to Indonesia

My brother is a cyclist in one of Philippine cycling teams and invited to the 11th Tour De Singkarak. He took the flight to Indonesia from Asmara with Ethiopian

Is it possible to use Ethiopian airlines to travel from Dublin to LAX?

I remember back in 2017 booking a flight with Ethiopian airlines from Dublin to Los Angeles. The flight was surprisingly cheap (€600) for a return. Unfortu