Category "taxes"

Why are prices published without tax in the US?

On a recent trip to San Francisco it was always a surprise to see what to pay in stores. It was never as simple as just adding all the published prices. There w

In which developed countries (other than the US) does the price tag not usually show the final price to be paid?

That is, the price tag on the product (or on the shelf beneath it or wherever) may say $1.00, but when you go checkout at the counter, you actually have to pay

Non-resident alien working for non-US company telecommuting for 10 days under ESTA Visa Waiver [duplicate]

I am a European citizen non-US resident travelling to the US for 4 weeks under the ESTA Visa Waiver, of which 10 days will be spent telecommut

Item held by customs until I pay tax; what are my options?

I just arrived in the UK yesterday, from the US, carrying a piece of jewelry, which I intend to carry with me for the following months before I give it to someo

Declare an item is not liable for duty?

I go on an overseas trip and buy a new camera while there. I declare it (when returning to my country of origin) upon going through customs. I pay a duty. I go

In which country do you pay tax and duty when travelling through multiple countries?

In example, my journey would look in the order: Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and back to the UK. How the customs duty and tax

How do I pay UK Air Passenger Duty (APD) on my flight to the UK?

I am Indian citizen travelling to UK for two weeks (Business Trip) with my wife (General Visitor). Our itinerary is India -> Doha -> London -> Doha -&

When buying fuel in Peru service stations, do you have to give an ID?

Sorry, but not exactly sure where to ask this questions, but if there are any locals from Peru, I thought would try here. Not exactly a travel question, but hop

Travelling to San Francisco from Dublin to save money on tax- allowed?

I am planning to visit San Francisco in April with a group of students. I am currently in England. If I take a separate flight to Dublin (on a different ticket)

Why do cities impose a tourist tax? [closed]

I'm planning a trip and I see the term "tourist tax" littered about. My question is why do countries/cities tax tourists when tourism in itsel

What happens if you don't pay the Panamá exit tax?

Yesterday we landed after a trip from Panama to Spain departing from PTY airport. Today a friend that travelled to Panama 3 years ago has told me that he had to

Send package from China to Europe [closed]

During my trip in China I wouldn't like to carry all my gifts in my bag, so I'm planning to send them by post. Where is the best place I could

10% government tourist tax in Indonesia, what's going on with that?

While traveling in Sumatra & Java, I never seen (or noticed) a 10% government tourist tax. When arriving in Bali, many restaurant (& even homestays) di

Do Customs duties and VAT apply on jewellery and gifts even when imported into UK by US citizens?

I'm leaving for the UK this week and packing a bunch of gifts and an engagement ring that I intend to give there. Is the VAT only for UK citizens or will I hav

Shipping personal electronics to Europe from US- import taxes?

I'm traveling in Europe and want to have some electronic equipment shipped from home (laptop; camera; audio gear). Can I ship myself used personal goods from th

Bringing brand new iPad and tablet

I planning to buy brand new iPad and tablet from the UK as I live here to take to Thailand for my cousin and my grandchild. Do I need to pay for custom tax?

Giving details to Airbnb host

I booked a property through Airbnb in Budapest. I checked the whole listing for any specific requirements and duly asked the host for it. He said none. But when

Is it true that electronics such as laptop computers are tax free in Cambodia?

I've heard or read that electronics, computers etc do not carry any tax in Cambodia, making it a very cheap place to purchase such things. I'm in Cambodia now

Exit Tax When Exiting Panama by Foot?

In December 2015 I plan to go do Panama then go back into Costa Rica probably by foot, meaning taking a bus or boat on both sides of the border then crossing by

Road taxes between Sofia and Berlin

me and my sis are trying to plan a road trip from Sofia, Bulgaria to Berlin, Germany. My question is does anyone know what are the road taxes at Serbia, Hungary