Category "timetables"

How can I view the list of non-stop flights between two airports as well as their schedule, including the flights canceled because of COVID-19?

I wonder how I can view the list of non-stop flights between two airports as well as their schedule, including the flights canceled because of COVID-19. What I

Meaning of "Bus Privato" on bus timetables for Trentino Trasporti

I'm planning a trip to Trento and planning on making several trips there by bus - I've found some timetables on their website (example: https://www.trentinotras

Where can I see how long it took for checked-in luggage to be made available at the baggage reclaim area for past flights?

I'd like to estimate how long it will take me to leave the airport. If I have checked-in luggage and the immigration is smooth or absent (e.g., domestic flights

Is there really only 1 public transport connection a day between Ljubljana and Kranjska Gora?

I'm trying to get from Ljubljana to Kranjska Gora, from where I want to take a bus to Vršič pass and hike through the Triglav National park. My ques