Category "macedonia"

What bus and train routes exist between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia?

I'm planning to go from Ionian coast of Greece (specifically, Preveza) towards north and east, and cross over into the Republic of Macedonia (visiting at least

Where in the Balkans is free camping permitted?

This question is a spinoff of the question about wild camping in Europe since none of the answers cover the area where I am now with my tent and sleeping bag (-

Can Serbian dinars be exchanged in the Republic of Macedonia?

I just crossed the border from Serbia to the Republic of Macedonia and was surprised that the currency exchange booth on the Macedonian side accepted Euros but

Can I withdraw Euros from ATMs in the Republic of Macedonia?

In some countries in Europe which do not use the Euro the ATMs still offer a choice of the local currency or Euro. Since I'm seeking to minimize ATM fees for w

How to get from Thessaloniki to Vourvourou and around?

In May/June I would like to spend a week in the Chalkidiki peninsula. I am planning to stay in Vourvourou. I will directly fly into Thessaloniki. Then I will pr

Visa requirements for Macedonia for Schengen-zone Permanent Residents?

I'm an Indian studying in Germany. I have a residence permit for Germany with which I can travel in the schengen area. Macedonia is not in the schengen area. Ho

Can I travel to Macedonia and Albania on Schengen visa? Do I need transit visa for Germany if my stay is less than 4 hours within the airport?

I am a Pakistani national on a student visa till July 2016. I will travel with my family who are British Nationals. Can I travel to Macedonia and Albania on S

Macedonian Entry Visas

I've a Schengen visa valid till 11th of August, issued from a German Embassy, I would like to know if this would prevent me entry to Macedonia as my conference

Overnight land-based travel from Istanbul (Turkey) to Skopje (Macedonia)?

I am looking to travel between Istanbul and Skopje overland during August (2015) and wondered what the best way to do this would be? My initial plan was to tak

Travelling to Macedonia with German National visa

I am an Indian studying in Germany with German national visa i.e Visa Type D. I want to visit Macedonia. Is it possible with the national visa or do I need to a

Do I require a visa with my Belgian refugee travel document to enter Macedonia?

I have a belgian travel document for refugees and residence in Belgium. Can I enter Macedonia/FYROM visa-free or do I need to apply for a visa before entry?

Travelling to Macedonia with German Resident Permit [duplicate]

Me and my wife traveling to Macedonia next week. I am an Indian, holding a Permanent Resident Permit in Germany but my wife still has a one ye

Macedonia Entry with EU-permanent resident card? [duplicate]

Can i enter Macedonia with a valid EU permanent resident card and a valid Passport? I have heard so much controversy that it is not possible a

Refugees situation in Macedonia [closed]

I am travelling to Macedonia for a roadtrip in May. I am flying to Skopje and planning to travel by the west side down to Ohrid and then retur

Entry in Macedonia for Schengen Visa Holders

I am an Indian student in Germany. As far as I know, students hold a Schengen Visa Type D. I have my visa extended until 2018. I have a friend from Macedonia I

What are the weather conditions in Macedonia in May?

We are going to hike in Macedonia in the middle of May. Our plans include hikes in Šipkovica (Tetovo), Mavrovo, Lake Matka, Galichica, Pelister. We are a

How is the Visa and MasterCard acceptance in Macedonia?

I am from Denmark and I am travelling to Macedonia this week. My bank cannot tell me (!) if my Visa and MasterCard can be used in Macedonia. Has anyone experien

Does a Vietnamese studying in France need a visa for a short visit to Macedonia?

I am a student in France with a 2-year residence permit (titre de séjour). I have a Vietnamese passport. Do I need visa to go to Macedonia for one week?

Do the Macedonian police issue visitors a registration card?

In Serbia and Macedonia, you have to register with the police if staying in those countries overnight. I know that in Serbia, you're issued a white registratio

If I have Schengen visa can I get Macedonian visa in airport

I will have one business trip to Macedonia and will open Schengen visa for 1 year. Can I have Macedonian visa right in Macedonian airport? (I am not from Scheng