Category "nice"

How to get from Nice to Monaco by public transport?

What's the simplest and cheapest way to get from central Nice, France to Monaco by public transportation?

Can you get from Nice Airport to near Gare de Nice Ville around midnight by public transport?

I've got a flight to Nice booked which is due to arrive at 23:35. Not sure yet if I'll need to check luggage or not, possibly I'll be able to get away without a

How do I get from Nice to Haut de Cagnes by public transport?

How do I get from Nice to Haut de Cagnes using public transportation? Also, it seems pretty close; is it a good idea to visit during the day while staying in Ni

Help for places to see around Nice during the Monaco F1 GP weekend

I am visiting Monaco during the F1 GP weekend from 24/05 - 27/05. I am staying at Nice and traveling to Monaco on Sunday on the GP day. I am planning to arrive

What is the cheapest way to get from Zurich to Nice?

I am travelling to Europe next month, and would like to know the cheapest means and/or modes from Zurich to Nice as I plan to depart from Nice.

Week-ends in Paris and in Rome, from a base in Nice [closed]

I'm travelling to Nice, France in the month of March. I will have three weekends (2 days + 2 days + 2 days) in my visit and I want to plan acc

Train from Nice to Monaco during Grand Prix weekend

I am staying in Nice for the Monaco Grand Prix and will be travelling by train to and from Monaco on Saturday and Sunday. Can I book an 'open' return for each d

Bus line 21 from Nice to Castellane

It is my first time traveling to France, and I want to visit the beautiful Gorges du Verdon. I've booked a place at Castellane, and before going there, I'll be

How to get from Monaco to Nice by public transport? [duplicate]

How to take public transport from Monaco to Nice, and beyond to Vence please?

Any tips for parking in Nice, France to save money?

Free parking in old town is super hard to find and parking otherwise is very expensive. Do travelers have tips to save money on parking. Are there parking place

Driving from Nice city (France) to Nice airport are there gas stations that are open early morning?

We've an early morning 7am flight from Nice airport. Are there any gas stations close to Nice airport which are open around 5-5.30am and you can use your credi

Break journey on train from Nice to Eze

I was trying to book tickets from Nice to Eze, with a break, for same day at Beaulieu. While trying to book on I am not able to see

Late evening public transport in Nice

I am arriving to Nice-Ville on 21 Sep 2015 at 22:50 by train (TGV) from Paris. Is there public transport to my hotel (Hotel Wilson, 39 Rue de l'Hôtel des

How to get from Nice to Monaco by public transport?

What's the simplest and cheapest way to get from central Nice, France to Monaco by public transportation?