Category "kazakh-citizens"

Does a Kazakh need a visa for stopovers in Seoul and walking in the city?

I am Kazakhstani citizen flying from Australia to Kazakhstan with a long - 23 hours- stopover in Seoul Incheon Airport, and the same stopover on my way back. Wh

Can a Kazakh national transit in Dubai without a visa?

I am a Kazakh passport holder. I'm travelling from Delhi via SpiceJet to Dubai, landing at Terminal 1 in the early morning. On the same day in the late evenin

Can a Kazakh national transit in Dubai without a visa?

I am a Kazakh passport holder. I'm travelling from Delhi via SpiceJet to Dubai, landing at Terminal 1 in the early morning. On the same day in the late evenin

UK Standard Visitor Visa implications during travel restrictions as a result of COVID-19 outbreak?

My wife (a Kazakh national) is visiting in the UK on a Standard Visitor Visa, staying with my family. She arrived on Feb 1st. Her original intention was to stay

Can Kazakh nationals apply for UK visas and travel to the country?

Can Kazakhs apply for a UK visit visa and travel to the country right now due to the Covid situation, yes or no? Reason for visit: I am a UK citizen, my wife is

How likely is it that my wife will have her UK Visitor Visa refused? [closed]

Context: I live in the UK; she does not. I am a British citizen. She is a Kazakh national living in Kazakhstan. She has visited the UK three t

Schengen visa - Italian issued visa but now going to Spain [duplicate]

I am an EU citizen. Wife is Kazhak national and we live in UK. We planned a holiday in Italy and obtained multi entry visa from Italian consul