Category "work"

What seasonal work can fund travel?

I'm fond of the travel strategy that involves arriving at a workplace near your destination and doing seasonal labor until you've saved enough to have fun in an

Are there any programs in British Columbia in which a U.S. citizen could get a visa to work temporarily (and travel)?

I'd like to explore British Columbia, for maybe a few months. I see this being expensive and difficult without a visa, but I don't mind working, even in a stipe

Working the ski season in France [closed]

A friend and I will be looking to work in the French Ski fields during the coming winter. If you have done this before: Where is the best pl

What is a good country for a working vacation? [closed]

My job allows me to work from my laptop. I was thinking of traveling this winter to a warm location and working from the beach for a few month

Website resources for 'out there' jobs related to travel

I've come across a few travel + working websites - which can get you a 'non-standard' job in a remote place - like EscapeTheCity which has had roles from post o

How do I get a permanent legal right to work in the United States? [closed]

I live and work in Russia, and sometimes I find myself wondering about the job opportunities out there in the world. For instance, Fog Creek o

How to travel as a crew member on a ship?

Is there a feasible way to take a one year break from a IT job and work as a crew member on a big ship? How can one go about this? I am a recreational sailor an

Can you search for a job when using a tourist visa (B-2) in the US

If I am visiting the US with a tourist visa, can I look for a job in the US?

How can I Travel and Teach English in Thailand? [closed]

I'm struggling to find non-commercial information on teaching English in Thailand in terms of daily costs of living, pay rates for full-time T

What is the simplest visa requirement for a New Zealander to work in Argentina?

Considering this. I gather there's a working holiday visa, but it requires application at the embassy in WELLINGTON, and I'm ... well, on the other side of the

Which type of visa I should apply for to visit USA as job applicant?

I'm a Russian citizen and have been invited to the interview to United States and plan to go there on a two-day trip. The question is - does anybody know which

Which countries, if any, offer on-arrival work visas?

After seeing this question I began wondering - are there countries that say, Aussies or Kiwis (or anyone else) can get a work visa on arrival, or while in the c

Long term vacation on Falkland islands?

Has anyone ever been there? I was wondering if anyone knows any "local" classifieds site there for a somewhat mid-long term accommodation (3 months?) without st

'One laptop per child'- like organisations?

One laptop per child (OLPC) is an organisation which brings laptops and technology to poor regions of this world and educates the people to use those tools. A

Is it really permitted for travellers to work while visiting Georgia on a tourist visa?

Last night at a party with lots of expats and Georgians the topic came up that foreigners don't need any special visa or work permit to work in Georgia while th

Best town to live and work over the Internet in Sicily / Italy [closed]

Two questions: Which city would you choose based on my preferences? What's the availability of internet and its fees? A relative on my paren

Maintaining a healthy spine when working while traveling? [closed]

Often when I travel, I have to work long hours: programming In many cases there is no office chair, resulting in an uncomfortable work positi

Are there any travel websites that offer incentives for users to achieve certain tasks on their travels?

I was just talking to some people about how on my travels I contribute to OpenStreetMap and Google Maps / Mapmaker mainly to help other travellers find stuff th

Getting work on a cruise ship in order to travel

Yes, I'm perfectly aware that a Google search has lots of sites that offer stories about getting work on a cruise ship. However, a lot of these are trying to s

As a US citizen programmer, what kinds of visas can I get to work abroad remotely for my US employer? [closed]

I am a programmer working for an employer in the US who is willing to let me work remotely from another country. I would like to travel abroad