Category "slovakia"

Do I need to make a reservation in a mountain hut in Slovakia in the Tatra mountains?

I'd like to go trekking in the Tatra mountains in Slovakia, and sleep in mountain huts. Do I need to make a reservation before the trip? Or can I reasonably ex

Are shops in Slovakia open on 15. August?

I plan a day-trip to Bratislava on 15. August. In some countries (eg. Austria) on this day all shops are closed. Do you happen to know, if shops are also clo

Conditions of train ticket between Vienna and Bratislava

I'm planning a trip to Vienna, and I'd like to visit also Bratislava. I've found a page with prices of train tickets:

Hostels in Bratislava

How does the situation with hostels look in Bratislava? Are there a plenty of them, and there should be no problem with finding a place even in middle Summer, o

Language to communicate in tourist places in Bratislava? English is sufficient?

Is English sufficient to communicate in tourist places in Bratislava (musea, buying tickets, restaurants, receptions in hostels)? Should I expect that English w

How dangerous is Bratislava for pedestrians?

When visiting Bratislava with my friends, we've noticed that drivers go very fast, and they often don't stop when a pedestrian is crossing the street (something

Cabins and camping options in Tatra mountains

I am considering a trip to the Tatras. Is it possible to camp or do wild camping there? What other options are there? I read about some huts, but I am not sure

When you go for a multi day hike in the Tatras, where do you leave your car?

We will be doing a road trip through Czech republic, Slovakia and Poland. At some point we would like to do a multiday hike through the tatras. Since we won't b

Dealing with money for a trip to Poland and Slovakia

I'm going to be traveling to Poland/Slovakia and perhaps Germany/Austria for 11 days In a couple of weeks, and am not sure how I should deal with money, as Pola

Winter trekking in High Tatra, what about accommodation?

We're going to go for a hike to High Tatras in January. Should I be prepared for snow slides/avalanches in winter (and carry tools like shovel, emitter, ...)?

Free street parking options for unlimited time in Bratislava?

I am looking for free parking options in Bratislava. Is there free parking along the river, near the UFO bridge? Ideally I'd like to park somewhere for an unli

Renting a car - Slovakia

I'm planning to rent a car within 4 friends in Poland and drive down to Slovakia, I read that I've to buy one sticker to drive on highways. Is this still applie

Buy old currency in Bratislava and Vienna

I will be traveling to Bratislava and Vienna this week. I want to know if there are any shops where I would get the old Slovak Korunas or Austrian Schillings. A

UIAA membership and guides

I have a question about International Climbing and Mountaineering Federation (UIAA) membership. Shouldn't it allow me to climb the mountains, without hiring a

Where can I rent a sailing boat at Orava lake?

Orava lake, Slovakia is relatively close to a Polish border and I would like to go sailing there. However, I cannot find any place to rent a boat there and I do

Driving in Slovakia with Uzbekistan driving licence

Family member came for a short term visit to stay in Slovakia. He has full driving licence issued in Uzbekistan (considered International licence). Can Uzbekis

Buying international train tickets between Slovakia and Ukraine

I am looking to travel between Kosice and Lviv by rail, and do a return trip from Kiev to Kosice 10 days later. However, international train tickets must be pur

Is there a good way to get from Levoča to Lviv?

Due to a change of plans, I'm now going to visit the Ukraine after I visit Slovakia. Right now I'm looking at options for going from Levoča to Lviv. Rome2

Can I stay overnight at Košice airport or does the terminal close?

I have a flight at 5:35 AM from Košice (KSC). Unfortunately I'm 2.5 hours away by train, and the first train in the morning doesn't get in until 4:10. I

Are people in Hungary and Slovakia friendly? [closed]

OK, so I've been living in the Netherlands for almost 3 years and I find the locals are not open enough for making new friends. They mostly st