Category "slovakia"

Would a foreign debit card (Maestro) work in Slovakia?

my question is whether one can use a Bulgarian-issued Maestro debit card on ATMs or in supermarkets in Bratislava? I know some countries prefer Visa over Maestr

Travel from Tatranska Lomnica to Krakow city centre

We are going from Tatranska Lomnica to Krakow. Preferably with train, but we're open for suggestions. We hope to avoid going through Poprad, as this would be a

How can I obtain an official English-Slovak translation?

EU students receive zero-fare travel with the Slovakian State Railways, but the page on zero-fare travel states: Students are required to submit confirmatio

Visa for travel through Austria, Slovakia and the Czech Republic?

I will be flying to Austria, then driving to Slovakia and the Czech Republic. I am not an EU or US citizen. I will be flying out of and back to JFK (Indian pass

Lost all my ID documents and money. How to fly home from Spain to Slovakia?

I live in Slovakia and went to Spain for few months, where I lost my wallet with all the documents inside. I got here with RyanAir and would like to go back soo

How to buy Slovakia discounted international rail tickets outside Slovakia?

I'm aware there is a discounted ticket, Bratislava to Warsaw (Poland), for 19 EUR. The normal price is about 80 EUR. The problem is, you can't buy international

How to get to Vlkolínec by public transport?

Vlkolínec is a village in Slovakia in Ružomberok district. It was declared UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its traditional architecture. Is it

Is a vignette needed to go to Bratislava for a day trip from Vienna?

My girlfriend and I are going to drive to Vienna from Germany tomorrow to visit some friends. We bought a vignette to drive in Austria for 10 days so it's all g