Category "visa-free-entry"

How long can a citizen of Iran stay in Georgia (the country) as a tourist?

I have a friend from Iran here in Tbilisi wondering how long he can stay in the country. I know from another question here that as an Australian I can stay for

What are the visa requirements for a Chinese citizen to visit Azerbaijan?

I have a guest at my hostel from China who hopes to take a bus to Azerbaijan tomorrow. He believes that he either doesn't need a visa for Azerbaijan or that pe

Countries with no visa requirements on its visitors

Recently I learnt that Andorra has no visa restrictions to its visitors (citizens of any country) and free to enter if they hold a passport or EU national ident

Do I really have to register with the police when staying with a friend in Croatia?

Situation: I'm a German in the UK. I'll be traveling from London to Zagreb next week and staying at a friends house. The UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office sa

Visa-friendly country for an international conference?

Let's suppose I want to organize a conference with one attendee from each country of the globe. Considering visa fees/problems, where would be a convenient loca

Non-EU citizen travelling with EU citizen (Irish spouse) to Turkey; do I need a visa?

Am a non EU citizen but my husband is. We live and work in UK and I have a residential permit. I'm looking to book a holiday to Turkey for my hubby and I for 5

Extending a visa-free stay in the Philippines

BI IMPLEMENTS VISA-FREE SCHEME FOR INDIANS JUNE 21, 2012 Indian nationals who are regular international travelers may now enter the country without a visa and

How to quickly find out the entry requirements to country X for a citizen of country Y? [duplicate]

For example: I'm an Irish citizen and I want to know if I need a visa for Kyrgyzstan... or I'm American and I want to know what countries I ca

Canadian wants to exit and re-enter Beijing without a visa, during 72 hour TWOA (Transit Without Visa)

I have a conference to get to in Changchun (I really, really, really would like to go, the whole trip to China is centred around it). I'm not able to get a vis

How can I get a list of countries where I can enter without a visa?

There is of course the IATA visa tool, but there you need to enter country + personal details to get visa details. If I want to know my options, it can become

Do you need a visa to visit the UK for 5 days as an Ecuadorian citizen?

My boyfriend and I want to go visit my sister in the UK, I am English citizen with residence in Spain and he is from Ecuador and with residence in Spain too. Wi

Will I be able to benefit from free movement in Europe

My mother is going to get her citizenship from France within a year or so. In this website it is stated that family members of EU nationals can have the right o

Can I travel without a visa by boat from Dubai to Ireland?

Can I travel by boat from Dubai to Ireland without first obtaining an Irish visa? And I have another question which is what am I required to have with me if am

Options for a cruise from Helsinki to St Petersburg

As a follow on from the following question: Do I need a visa if I go with a cruise line to St. Petersburg? What are the different options/what is required to o

Visa to transit in the US on the way to Canada for Polish citizens? [duplicate]

I am citizen of Poland and I will fly to Canada through US. So, do I need a US visa for my transit journey?

As a French citizen, how long can I travel through Canada?

I would like to visit Canada for a long time, as it is a large country and I have time. I am a French citizen and I could not find a Canadian authoritative sou

On a student visitor visa to UK with a layover in Germany: Can I get Schengen visa on arrival or can I do sightseeing wile transiting without a visa?

I am traveling to the UK from India on a student visitor visa. I have a stopover at Frankfurt. Can I sightsee while transiting without a visa or do I need to pr

Why is the British passport the most valuable despite colonization? [closed]

I was checking out Wikipedia and I could see a British passport entitles to visa-free or visa-on-arrival for 173 countries despite colonizatio

What countries allow the most visa free / visa on arrival entries? [duplicate]

Why is the British passport the most valuable despite colonization? is a discussion of which passports allow the most visa-free or visa-on-arr

What kinds of documentation does a US citizen need to enter the UK on a tourist visa? [duplicate]

I am a US citizen travelling to the UK for tourism. What kinds of documentation do I need to make sure that I have have with me when I get to