Category "poland"

Are there any analogs of the Malbork castle in Poland or Germany?

Some time ago I was in Malbork castle and was amazed by its size and beauty. I want to know - are there some castles similar to the Malbork's, may be not so fam

Help remembering name of hotel in near Łódź, Poland?

This summer I was in Poland. We drove around by car and visited several small villages. I some help to remember the name of the village and the hotel we stayed

Rent a car in Poland without a credit card

This summer I tried to rent a car in Warsaw without a credit card. It wasn't an easy task and it took my hours of talking until I could convince them that it is

How to cope with disgusting fellow travellers?

This summer I was in Krakow. We stayed in a hostel and did an organized tour from there. We visited Auschwitz concentration camp. We were a group of approximate

Where to exchange money in Wroclaw

I'm arriving to Wroclaw airport (Ryanair) next April, where should I exchange most of my money? In the airport, in the city or in another city?

How to get from Wroclaw airport to city center?

What are the options to get from Wroclaw airport (Ryanair flight) to city center? What's the cheapest option?

How to visit Malbork Castle from Gdansk?

I'm wondering how I can visit Malbork Castle if I'm visiting Gdansk. Wikitravel says that Malbork is 1.5 hours from Gdansk by train, but doesn't say how much th

How to visit Wieliczka salt mines and the Auschwitz KZ from Krakow?

I'd like to visit Wieliczka salt mines and the Auschwitz KZ. Is it possible to visit both places the same day? How much time should I stay in each place? What t

Where can I go looking for amber in Gdańsk, Poland?

I've read that one can find amber easily in the beaches in Gdansk. I believe it, but how to get to those beaches? Will anyone be offended if I go there and spen

How to get to Auschwitz-Birkenau from Wroclaw?

I would like to know how to get to Auschwitz from Wrocław without going first to Kraków by public transport? The idea is to get up early in Wroc

How to find a cheap tour to Wieliczka salt mines from Krakow? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How to visit Wieliczka salt mines and the Auschwitz KZ from Krakow? Just this. If I'm at Krakow, which are the che

What are the standard border checks when traveling between Warsaw and Berlin by various types of transportation?

I know that there is always a passport check when traveling by air. Is that the same case when traveling by train, bus, and car?

US Citizen in Poland more than 90 days in a 180 day period

From what I understand, it is legal for a US citizen to spend up to 90 days in Poland, leave for one day, and re-enter for another 90 day period. Sources I ca

What are the prices of coffee in Poland compared to USA

I live in USA but I'm traveling to Poland for the summer. I am wondering what are the prices in USD of coffee in Poland.

What is the best money exchange place to exchange dollars to PLN in Poland

I am looking for a place to change dollars to Polish zloty and I wonder where the best place to do such exchange is. I am looking for exchange places in follow

What is the import/export tariff cost from Poland to USA and from USA to Poland?

I plan on buying shoes and clothes with the intention of transporting them to USA. I am wondering how much tax I will have to pay to transfer these products? If

Reality Check on Data Roaming and Tethering in Ireland/Poland

I am in the U.S. I would like to be able to go to Ireland and Poland and be able to tether my laptop to some kind of MIFI-like device or a cell phone that can

How to allow my wife to stay in Poland for more than 90 days

I am spending summer in Poland and I bought a return ticket that will make me come back after a 90-day period (I will be in the country for 92 days). I wonder h

Where can I get a student ID in Poland (Wroclaw) using my American Student ID?

I am a student in America and I have just traveled to Poland. There are a lot of trams here and tickets are cheaper for student tickets then for normal tickets.

Is it possible to get a visa for Kaliningrad in the neighboring countries?

I am planning to visit Northern Poland and then Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. I am thinking of going into the Russian state of Kaliningrad as well. I've read t