Category "asia"

Are there any ferry companies operating between Russian East ports and Japan?

I'm interested in visiting the Japan after some Russian Far East trip. I'm searching for the sea ways to the Japan. Can you help me with that? Update: I'm sear

Travelling between Japan and South Korea

We are going to Japan for 3 weeks in the beginning of April and would like to spend a couple of days in Seoul. How do we get there? And how expensive is the fer

OK we're all adults here, so really, how on earth should I use a squat toilet?

OK so for anyone that's travelled beyond North America and Western Europe you know what I'm talking about. Left: Romania, last year. Right: Turkey, last night.

What's the easternmost place in Asia?

On my current trip (like my previous) I've been in Europe and crossed the Bosphorous to Asia and proceeded further east (currently Tbilisi, Georgia). At some p

How can I travel to Japan from mainland Asia by ship?

I'm planning my trans-mongolian/siberian trip and I'll end up in Beijing. I want to know if it's possible to reach Japan without flying (ideally Tokyo).

Is possible to cross the Bering Strait without flying?

I'm planning a trip and one of my main points is not to fly unless absolutely necessary. My biggest problem is how to cross from Asia to America without a plane

Is there any accurate map for the Silk Route and is it still practicable?

I've found some maps that shows the overland route that was used to trade between Europe and Asia, but I haven't found a map accurate enough to plan a trip foll

Why do the Japanese wear masks like Surgeons in Tokyo? [closed]

In Japan, Tokyo it is common to see Japanese people walking around with masks like the kind Surgeons wear during surgeries. Why do the Japane

Does knowing Japanese help in neighbouring countries?

I know a bit of Japanese, but don't know any other Asian languages. Does knowing Japanese help in neighbouring countries such as South Korea and Taiwan? Am I

What is the cheapest way to get from Thailand to Australia with a car?

Imagine I have a car in Thailand and I want to get Australia, is there any ferry that cross from Asia to Australia? How much is it? No problem if have to drive

Are there any non-stop flights from Asia to Brazil?

I'm wondering if there is any non-stop flight from Asia to Brazil (for example, Bangkok to Sao Paulo). It's surprising that I couldn't find anything from Asia t

Travel Guide book for Asia with toddler/ young children?

We're planning to backpack a couple of month in Asia. Starting in Thailand and then going to Vietnam, maybe more places in the region. I'm looking for a travel

Itinerary for 14 days in Northern Mongolia [closed]

So we have collated an itinerary for a 14 day trip in Northern Mongolia. I thought I would post this up here to tap upon the collective wisdo

Is there a strong full-time RV (motor home) community in Europe and/or Asia?

In the United States, there is a very definite (if somewhat smallish) community of full-time RV'ers. There are several websites and blogs maintained by people

Where can I eat turtle excrement soup?

A friend of a friend told me that he was traveling through Asia. Then once he ordered a meal in a restaurant. He couldn't understand what it was. So he first go

Looking for a good 5-7 day challenging hike, in Central / Eastern Asia

I'm planning my leave for this year, and would really like to find a good hike to do in Central or Eastern Asia. Specifically, I'm hoping to

Which (South) East-Asian contries are the cleanest? [closed]

I had been in Thailand recently and I was negatively surprised with how dirty the country is. Garbage was everywhere - along the roads, in th

How to drive a car from Australia to Europe?

I want to drive to Europe from Australia by shipping it to Asia and to drive from there onwards. Can someone tell me the cheapest way for shipping, which port

Are the hoses in toilets in Asia something I should know about?

I have noticed random bits of hose without proper fittings before I think for example in India and just assumed they are for use by the cleaners or for filling

Searching for an Asian flight that provides a facility for divers to not pay an extra fee from Tehran to Phuket

Is there any airline with Asian flights between Tehran (Iran) and Phuket that provides a special facility for divers to not pay an extra fee for their heavy div