Category "architecture"

Can I visit the castles/fortresses in the mountains around Turin, Northern Italy?

Three years ago I traveled from Turin to Paris by train, and saw amazing old castles all across the mountains. Are any of them available for a visit? I'm going

What part of Great Wall of China is easier to visit, starting from Peking?

I'm interested in visiting the Great Wall of China, but don't want to face many tourists during my trip. Are there such parts of it? Are visitors allowed to wal

Are there any analogs of the Malbork castle in Poland or Germany?

Some time ago I was in Malbork castle and was amazed by its size and beauty. I want to know - are there some castles similar to the Malbork's, may be not so fam

Which chateaux of the Loire are worth visiting?

When visiting France, one of the great things to see are the Chateaux of the Loire Valley. An hour by TGV from Paris, yet a world apart, with stunning grand pal

Time needed to visit the Seattle Space Needle

I'm planning to take a day trip to the Puget Sound area. One of the places I'm interested in visiting is the Space Needle. How much time does going into the Spa

Name this church in Moscow, please?

I'm trying to type up my notes of Moscow, and can't seem to find the name of this church I took a photo of. After using google image search, however, I refound

Detailed information about the Habo church

A friend of mine is currently studying in Skövde, Sweden. The weekend after this one he is going to Jönköping for a short vacation. I was helping

Which Cities In Finland (if any) Have a Medieval Architecture?

When I visited Helsinki, it was arguably the most avant-garde capital in Europe. That's because it had been founded in the late Middle Ages, and apparently had

Where is this half buried Armenian church or monastery?

While browsing Wikipedia and the Internet about some damaged Armenian churches in Tbilisi Georgia I came across an amazing photo (but I know this one is not in

To which country in Europe should I travel to if I want to see a lot of lighthouses?

My father is a big lighthouse fan (I know...). Now he wants to spend his next holidays in a country in Europe where he can see a lot of lighthouses. Obviously t

Communist architecture in Berlin

I am going to be in Berlin for a weekend and would like to photograph and tour some Bismarck structures, underground bunkers or any industrial complex. What are

Where is this building in Amsterdam with a façade looking like a bookshelf?

A friend of mine was in Amsterdam this weekend, and he made an awesome photo of a building with a wall that looks like a book shelf: Unfortunately he has no

Looking for people who've been to both Tallinn, Estonia and Brasov, Romania

I'm interested in nice medieval cities. I can go to Tallinn or Brasov and I'm unsure what to choose. I enjoy architecture and a nice city around it. Where shou

The Great Wall of China: Where should I start a visit?

The Great Wall of China is more than 6000 kilometers long. So if I want to see that wall, where should I start my visit? What are typical places to see the wall

The Esplanade in Singapore: Are there any tourist tours?

The Esplanade in Singapore is a really interesting building if you're into architecture. Therefore, when I'm eventually in Singapore, I would like to visit the

What publicly accessible tall buildings are good for views & photography in Manhattan?

There was a similar question for London... but what about New York City? I'm mainly thinking (Midtown) Manhattan, but feel free to recommend awesome vantage p

Walking Hadrian's Wall

I am trying to plan a 3-4 day hike along the Hadrian's Wall, so in particular I am trying to figure out: What is the most interesting part of the wall (best pr

Is there an official New York City architecture tour?

Every time I visit Chicago, I love taking one of the tours offered by the Chicago Architecture Foundation. These tours are excellent, run by enthusiasts, and ta

Where can I see this Darth Vader church?

Recently, I saw a picture that shows a Darth Vader bust: It seems to be a church or something similar. For me it looks like a big fake, but my friend swears

Can you visit the Lille Citadelle?

Looking on a city centre map of Lille, I spotted a very interesting looking 5 point Citadelle at the edge of the old town, as handily shown by OSM: I wandere