Category "scl"

Is the reciprocity fee for US citizens only charged if you arrive at Santiago International Airport?

According to the US State Department website (emphasis mine): A Tourist Card will be issued for a stay of up to 90 days upon payment of a reciprocity fee, c

Do you only have to pay the reciprocity fee once per passport?

So I just arrived in Santiago this afternoon, and wouldn't you know it... my passport was the wrong color. So I trudged over to the desk to pay the reciprocity

Are there direct flights from Santiago, Chile to Quito, Ecuador?

A colleague is trying to find this, and we're struggling, seeing only connecting flights via Lima or Panama. Are we missing something? It seems odd that two So

Is 80 minutes enough to transit from International to Domestic in SCL?

Being my first time organising a trip (going in a few months), and since I couldn't manage to fit it in one intiniery, I bought tickets on two intinieries. Now