Category "salar-de-uyuni"

How to reach Salar de Uyuni from Potosí or Sucre (Bolivia)?

As I read in Wikipedia Salar de Uyuni is far away from other cities. Can I reach it from Potosí or Sucre? How long does it take? I would prefer to

Can I easily reach Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, from Puno, Titicaca lake in Peru?

What are the best connections by bus ? Also, is it safe to cross the border, or am I might going to have some troubles especially traveling by bus in the night

How can I go from Uyuni (Bolivia) to Puno (Peru) directly?

How can I go from Uyuni to Puno directly? Is there a bus? and what's the travel time?

Where to sleep in the Salar of Uyuni?

I'm planning to go to the Salar of Uyuni in April, and I've been told that in the night it might get very cold there. I've read on some blogs that some accommod

Visiting salt flats in Bolivia from Chile

I want to travel from Santiago (Chile) to Lima (Peru). I will not go through Bolivia but I would like to visit the salt flats from the Chilean side. Is this pos

Are there flights from the Salar de Uyuni to Arequipa (Peru)?

Are there flights from the Salar de Uyuni to Arequipa (Peru) ? Or any recommended airport nearby Arequipa, you can suggest me ?

Is traveling from Uyuni (Bolivia) to San Pedro (Chile) easy?

Is traveling from Uyuni (Bolivia) to San Pedro (Chile) easy? I've read there are some problems on the border. Also, should I wait to arrive in San Pedro before

Uyuni to San Pedro and not viceversa

I see most of posts are about tour guides from San Pedro de Acatama to Uyuni but I'm interested in the opposite direction. I'm arriving in Uyuni, and going to

From Uyuni, Bolivia to Salta, Argentina by bus

Does anyone knows how can I get from Uyuni, Bolivia to Salta, Argentina by bus? And what the approximate cost/time will be to get there?

Visiting Isla Incahuasi by public transportation

How does one get from Uyuni to Isla Incahuasi (in the middle of Salar de Uyuni) by public transportation? I know it's doable to reach the salt lake, wikitravel

Is getting travel insurance in some way more important when visiting Uyuni than other typical touristic sites?

Is getting travel insurance in some way more important when visiting Uyuni than other typical touristic sites? I am currently shopping for Uyuni 1-day tours a

Where can one rent rain boots in Uyuni?

I have heard/read that renting/purchasing rain boots for Uyuni salt tours might be a good idea. Where can one rent rain boots in Uyuni?

Why is the airport tax at some airport charged outside the airfare ticket but instead must be paid at the airport? [closed]

Why is the airport tax at some airport charged outside the airfare ticket but instead must be paid at the airport? Example from Uyuni airport