Category "dress-codes"

Do clubs in Hong Kong have any particular dress code?

I'm going to Hong Kong for Easter this year and I needed some packing advice. Do clubs in Hong Kong have a dress code, if any? What I mean by this is for, say,

Is there a dress code when visiting the Vatican in Rome?

I've heard from friends who have been to Rome that you must cover up when you visit the Vatican as they have a strict dress code. What does "cover up" mean? I

What is the proper dress code for a one Michelin star restaurant in Paris?

We are going to Paris on a short trip and have booked a nice restaurant with one star in Michelin guide. Now we are debating what an acceptable dress code is in

What is appropriate attire for women in Muslim countries?

If my girlfriend was going to travel with me to, say, Jordan, or where-ever, should she probably wear a hijab when she's out and about in public?

What to wear to a casino in Las Vegas?

I love wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Would this be an issue if I want to play in a casino in Las Vegas, USA? Do some casinos have a dress code?

Do any temples or palaces in Japan have a dress code?

In Thailand it was common for temples to require that you wear pants or scarves to cover your shoulders. Japan has many ancient places; if you wear shorts to

Are women required to wear skirts to get into some tourist sites?

There is mention of not wearing short skirts; does that mean skirts are required for women when wanting to visit places like churches, the Vatican, etc.

Transatlantic cruises allowing casual dressing?

I am looking at transatlantic cruises as an alternative to planes and while searching and reading about the topic, I am wondering about dress code. It appears t

Is it normal to walk around an (American) hotel in pajamas?

I recently spent a weekend in a hotel with a bunch of friends and colleagues. To help cut down on costs, some of us shared rooms. I like reading before I go to

Dress code in Tokyo Station Hotel

I might be staying a night in Tokyo Station Hotel It seems to be a conservative, high class hotel. Should I dress in business casual clothes or are normal (cle

How conservatively must I dress as a female traveller to Brunei?

I am a single female backpacker. In a month or so I will be going to Brunei from Malaysia. Both are Muslim countries, but I understand that Brunei is more cons

Banana hammock on a domestic US flight? [closed]

OK, so I know this sounds ridiculous, but I couldn't find anything authoritative online about this. And indeed I'm serious. Is there any offi

See-through kimono in the Vatican?

For the Vatican city (and other Italian places of worship), would a slightly see-through kimono - like the attached picture - be allowed, or would they not allo

Dress for First Class?

I'll be flying first class from Kansas City to Orlando this fall. This'll be my first time experiencing this, as I typically fly coach. This time around I found

Would it be disrespectful for a Westerner to wear a thawb in the Arabian peninsula?

When traveling to another country I like to try on their local dress, if one is still prevalent in the local culture. For example when traveling to Ukraine I so

Cargo pants with military colors

I am looking trousers for travelling and cargo trousers seem to be good option. Many of these trousers are in military colours which is making me a bit reluct

What is the dress code for the Vienna State Opera (Standing Room Section)?

I want to see an Opera when I visit Vienna. Since the all the cheap seats have already been sold, I plan to pay €3 for a standing room ticket. I'm guessing

Standards of dress for a classical concert in the Czech Republic

I'm going to be on a business trip in Prague later this month and am thinking of taking an evening to attend a performance of the Czech Philharmonic at the Rudo

Will having long hair (as a man) cause me problems when travelling in Muslim countries?

I usually have a ponytail, but when my hair is down it's past my shoulders. I have been considering travelling to a few different countries such as Iran or Alge