Category "proof-provenance-of-funds"

Proof of Funds and return ticket for Schengen visa waiver - US Citizen

I noticed the State Department website had the following: Immigration officers may also request you show sufficient funds for your intended stay and a retur

UK visa refusal due to undefined source of fund after retirement

My mother (aged 62) applied for UK visitor visa from Bangladesh recently and got refused. She was intending to meet her elder sister who is a British Citizen li

UK Visa Refusal: Provenance of funds/parking

I have applied recently for a general visitor visa to the UK to spend 10 days during Christmas with my British unmarried partner and it has been turned down.

Should I submit bank statements when applying for a UK Visa? What do they say about me?

The UK Visas and Immigration Directorate publishes guidance that provides helpful tips that can result in successful visa applications. Section 2 of this guidan

Can an Italian non-EU resident obtain a tourist visa to travel to USA?

I would like to invite my friend who is a Nigerian living in Italy and holding a Italian residency (permesso di soggiorno) to visit me in USA. Can an Italian re

What does V4.2-V4.10 mean on UK visa refusals?

what does v 4.2- v 4.10 mean? does "-" mean from v4.2 to v4.10 that includes v4.3, v4.4 etc until v4.10 or does it mean just v4.2 and v4.10

Required funds for American traveling to UK to visit fiancée [duplicate]

I am looking to travel to the UK (Britain) to visit my fiancée. I have the passport and I am getting the funds for the visa and the tri

Will I be granted a Schengen visa if my bank statements are not yet three months old?

I'm from Zimbabwe. Is it necessary for me to print for a proof of payment of travelling medical insurance in my email and add it in my application document f

Should I submit bank statements when applying for a UK Visa? What do they say about me?

The UK Visas and Immigration Directorate publishes guidance that provides helpful tips that can result in successful visa applications. Section 2 of this guidan

Should I submit bank statements when applying for a UK Visa? What do they say about me?

The UK Visas and Immigration Directorate publishes guidance that provides helpful tips that can result in successful visa applications. Section 2 of this guidan

How much money is needed in my bank account for a Schengen visa? [closed]

I am from Zimbabwe and applying for Schengen visa (short term) for only 45 days. How much money is needed in my bank account for me to be giv

UK visa refused do to lack of economic ties in the UK. What are my options? [duplicate]

Based on advice given on the forum. I have applied and was refused and below is the wordings of my refusal word for word. the decision

UK PLAB Visa Refusal due to unexplained bank deposits

I had applied for a PLAB (Doctors) Visa for the UK to appear in PLAB test. I got refused on the basis of two recent large deposits in the bank statement I provi

UK Visa Refusal: Provenance of funds/parking

I have applied recently for a general visitor visa to the UK to spend 10 days during Christmas with my British unmarried partner and it has been turned down.

UK Visit Visa refused second time due to lack of funds and unclear documentation. What are my options?

My UK visit visa was refused again. I applied for UK visit visa this July with my 6 years daughter the visa was sponsored by my aunt and uncle both are Britis

Bank Statement for UK Visit Visa for Dependent

My Husband is on a dependent visa under me. We are planning t travel to London on Visit Visa for 1 week. Is it compulsory to show the bank statement of my husba

UK Visa Refusal: Provenance of funds/parking

I have applied recently for a general visitor visa to the UK to spend 10 days during Christmas with my British unmarried partner and it has been turned down.

Should I submit bank statements when applying for a UK Visa? What do they say about me?

The UK Visas and Immigration Directorate publishes guidance that provides helpful tips that can result in successful visa applications. Section 2 of this guidan

Non-EU citizen travelling to UK with EU citizen friend, which queue to use?

I'm Brazilian and I'll be in Germany from October 26th till November 23rd visiting a German friend. We will go to London on November 15th till 17th, we intend t

UK Visa Refusal: Provenance of funds/parking

I have applied recently for a general visitor visa to the UK to spend 10 days during Christmas with my British unmarried partner and it has been turned down.