Category "quarantine"

When flying domestically in Thailand, which (origin airport, destination airport) results in a quarantine?

When flying domestically within Thailand, which (origin airport, destination airport) results in a quarantine, and if so what's the quarantine

Do airport border officials know which flight you came on?

We have quarantine rules if you come from some countries in Europe. The border officials will ask you where are you coming from. Do they have this information a

How is quarantine upon entering the UK enforced?

A compulsory 14-day quarantine was enforced for travellers arriving in the UK. How is this checked/regulated?

Entry quarantine for entering the United States

I am not from the banned area. May I ask if there is any type of quarantine for entering United States? The airline said individuals subject t

Flying from Bangkok to the United States via South Korea (Incheon): will the passenger be quarantined in South Korea?

If a passenger flies from Bangkok to the United States via South Korea (Incheon), will they be quarantined in South Korea? The passenger is a French citizen an

Does the 14 day self-isolation period in the UK end if a travel-corridor starts during the 14-day self-isolation period?

From 8th June there's been a mandatory 14 day self-isolation period for people entering the UK. From 10th July, travellers from some countries are exempted from

10 day quarantine when Leaving California [closed]

are car travelers being asked to be '10-day quarantine' when entering California or when entering Nevada?

How can I buy groceries during a mandatory 14 day quarantine?

I'm flying back to Berlin, Germany next week and as it stands, I have to do the mandatory 14 day quarantine. I tried to call the Health Ministry a few times, bu

Are there any countries that exempt people who recovered from COVID-19 infection from quarantine or testing?

Are there any countries that consider people who survived a COVID-19 infection as immune people and let them in without quarantine or testing? I am currently re

Belgium to England about quarantine

As a Belgian national who wants to go to England for a week, is there a quarantine or not?

Travelling to Turkey for a single day; do I need to go into quarantine?

If I am living in Germany (I am not a German citizen), and travel to Turkey for a single day, and come back the next day (it is the earliest flight back to Germ

On what basis do the Greek authorities decide how long a passenger entering Greece will stay in quarantine?

I read on IATA for Greece: Passengers are subject to medical screening and quarantine for 1 or 14 days. On what basis do the Greek authorities decide how long

Collecting baggage when transiting & quarantine rules

I'm arriving to the London Gatwick Airport to change plane when returning from Canary Islands. However, I will be self connecting the flights so I will need to

No transit visa in London when traveling from Canada - still valid during COVID?

I and my husband will be traveling from Canada to Russia and back through London Heathrow (long layovers both ways). We have Canadian study and work permits and

Am I allowed to go to the airport to catch a flight if I am supposed to self-quarantine in California, United States?

I read on IATA: Passengers who have been in Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China (People's Rep.), Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hunga

Is it legal to avoid the UK quarantine (August 2020) on passengers returning from France by traveling via another country?

I'm British, due to travel to the south of France for a week, flying from London to Turin (Italy) and driving across the border (it's the closest airport to my

If arriving at Heathrow from a non-exempt country, what are the options for getting from the airport to your quarantine location in London?

If arriving at Heathrow from a non-exempt country, what are the options for getting from the airport to your quarantine location in London? Taxi? Uber? Public t

Will I have to quarantine if traveling to the UK by Eurotunnel without exiting the car in France?

Starting my journey to the UK from an exempt country, say, Germany, I will have to travel through France by car to get to the Eurotunnel. I wo

Does the full quarantine period have to be observed for short trips of less than 14 days to England?

I am planning to go to England for 2 days in preparation of moving (I already have a place rented and would be staying there) a few weeks later. I am coming fro

Can you fly from Zagreb to the US without quarantining?

My friend is a British citizen who has been living in Zagreb, Croatia for a few months. He wants to fly to the US to see his family. Is there any way to do that