Category "hamburg"

Hamburg public transport tickets for a 3 day / 48 hour trip?

I'm going for a weekend to Hamburg, and I'm trying to work out the best public transport ticket(s) to get. I'll be arriving on a Friday evening, leaving on a Su

Is there a way to do a river cruise in Hamburg on the cheap?

Hamburg is located on the River Elbe, and has a lot of interesting buildings, parks and artwork located in and around the river and docks. All the guidebooks se

Cheap method from Hamburg to Paris [closed]

What is the cheapest way to travel from Hamburg to Paris and back? I think flights are comparatively expensive, specially, as I know of no Rya

Hamburg and surroundings, cost of year-long transportation ticket? [closed]

I want to know how much a public transportation ticket valid one year costs for Hamburg (Germany) and surrounding towns.

Where to safely park a car in Hamburg for few days?

I am driving to Hamburg in few days and will stay there three days. Is there s any public, safe parking not far from the city centre? Otherwise, is there any p

Are there still many refugees on the Copenhagen-Hamburg train?

Last time I traveled with DB/DSB (DeutscheBahn - German Trains) by train between these two cities there were groups of people who did not have passports and cre

What are the immigration officers going to ask or require once I land in Hamburg?

This is my first time travelling as an adult and alone. I am travelling from Panama. I already checked and I don't need a visa. What are the things that I will

What's the logic behind the the organization of Hamburg's bus transport into "rings"?

I'm staying in Hamburg for a while for business reasons and I've been told to get an HVV card for rings A and B as that would cover most of the major destinatio

Identify location (and painter) of old painting [closed]

I have received this painting from my grandma recently. However, she is unable to identify the location of this painting. Additionally, I am u