Category "polish-citizens"

Can Polish citizens enter Turkey for transit with National ID?

Can Polish citizens fly via Turkey just with a national ID (without a visa or passport)? Entry in the destination country is possible I'm sure, but the flight h

As a foreign resident of Brazil, can I always fly domestically using only my Alien Identity Card?

I'm a Polish citizen living in Brazil. When travelling in Brazil I'm usually using a government issued ID with RNE number (Registro Nacional dos Estrangeiros -

Polish/Canadian going to Australia through the US [duplicate]

I'm Polish-Canadian, living in Canada. I'm planning to travel to Australia for 6 weeks and I'm about to apply for a visitor visa. I found out

Travelling to Mexico from the UK with a Polish passport

My boyfriend and I have booked a holiday to Mexico. However, he has a Polish passport and I've been unable to find out if he'll need a visa or not. Any help on

Is it possible to get an immigration visa (to stay as long as possible) to US while working remotely for a company in another country? [closed]

I've been working remotely for this Japanese company for 5 years now. I get paid more than enough to afford living in the US. I've always want

Will I get another 30 days in SA when I travel to Zanzibar and other countries?

My boyfriend and I are in SA on a holiday, and only after arriving realised we made an error in judgement on the visa front. Turns out Poland (his passport) on

Are EU passports supposed to be stamped when entering/leaving French Guiana?

When I entered with my Polish passport through Saint-Georges, I was told by the border police I'm not supposed to get any stamp cause we're in France, the same

Applying for a US travel visa after denial [closed]

Last August I went to the US embassy in London, UK and tried to get a travel visa to the USA, and it was denied due to insufficient ties to th

Can my boyfriend, who lives in the UK and has a Polish passport, visit me in the USA?

My boyfriend would like to come to visit me in the US. He is currently living in the UK and holds a Polish passport. What are the steps we should take?

Can you apply for B1/B2 US visa without a trip planned?

I'm a British and Polish citizen living in the UK. Next year I'm visiting a country that disqualifies me from the visa waiver program on my British passport. M

Potential downsides to getting a Polish passport? [closed]

Due to recent "Reasons" my UK passport is not as useful as it once was for living and working in the EU. My grandfather is Polish. Which means

Stuck in US due to coronavirus - travel visa will expire before flights are available [duplicate]

My cousin was supposed to fly back to Poland on May 27, but we just found out yesterday that her flight is cancelled and the earliest flight b