Category "bulgarian-citizens"

Transit in Turkey for Swiss and Bulgarian citizens

We plan to flight me, my wife and our daughter to Bulgaria and one option is to flight from Geneva to Istanbul, then Istanbul-Varna. The question is: As a Swis

I'm a Bulgarian citizen. Can I apply for a Russian visa in the embassy in Berlin?

I'm traveling at the moment, so the only option for me would be to apply at the Russian embassy in Germany. Are there any restrictions,regarding that? I was tol

Do I need a visa to transit India?

I am Bulgarian passport holder, travelling from Dubai to Kuala Lumpur (to and from) via Delhi and Mumbai with layovers of 2-4 hours. The flights are with Jet Ai

I am interested if I need to obtain tourist visa befora I start my journey to USA or it can be obtained at the airport with an EU passport? [closed]

I own EU passport (Bulgarian) and plan to visit USA as a tourist. I need some info on visa matter.

From UK to Chile through Atlanta [duplicate]

I know that maybe this question has been asked many times, but most likely from different nationalities. I did read quite a lot of questions

Dual British-Bulgarian national, can I enter Bulgaria with my British passport

Could I enter Bulgaria with my British passport if both my Bulgarian passport and my Bulgarian ID card have expired?

Do Bulgarians or Sri Lankans need transit visas for Serbia or Abu Dhabi?

I'm a Sri Lankan citizen with a Bulgarian wife and a Bulgarian residence card for family members. I work in Germany and so additionally have a German residence

Is one entry visa enough for Thailand, first flight-cross over then staying afterwards?

My Girlfriend (Bulgarian) is going on a work vacation trip to India, Vietnam and Thailand. The path she is taking is: UK > India > Thailand (1 hour flig

Travel to Romania with Bulgarian ID card

My friend is from Varna, and has a valid Bulgarian ID card but does not own a passport yet. Is it possible to travel to Romania with the ID only? It's only for

Layover in USA with B2 visa

I am traveling from Cancun to London with a Bulgarian passport. Last year (2017) I spent 3 months traveling through the USA and my visa (B2) is valid until 4th

Expired Bulgarian passport

My 89-year old grandmother is a Bulgarian citizen and a US green card holder. She wants to travel from the US to Bulgaria, connecting in Austria, but her Bulgar

Traveling to Brazil & Argentina, passport expires in less than 3 months, will I have a problem entering?

I have a flight to Brazil in 2 days and (due to personal negligence) I just realized my passport expires in less than 3 months. My passport is Bulgarian. I don

Is it possible to travel to England with a Bulgarian ID card

Hi I am a Bulgarian citizen and I want to urgently go to England for week but my passport is expired. My ID card is valid so can I travel to England with my Bul

When travelling to Austria, do I need to prove that I haven't been in High-Risk Areas in the last 10 days and if yes - how?

I will be visiting Austria next week and stay there for a couple of days. According to the Official travel portal of Austria residents of Germ

Does the 90/180 rule apply to an EU citizen in Switzerland?

I'm a Bulgarian national that is living and working in Portugal with Permanent Residence Card and would like to visit Switzerland as my SO is currently living a

Bulgarian citizen can travel to Canada without visa [closed]

Travel to Canada as Bulgarian ?

Amsterdam to Dublin with Ryanair for unvaccinated

My friend, who is from Bulgaria, is planning to go to Dublin from Amsterdam. He is not vaccinated, so what are the rules for him?