Category "phone-networks"

Data connection and phone calls during visit to London

What is the best way to have about 500 Mbytes of internet data (mainly maps and communications ) for a short visit to London ? i.e My local SIM rates is too

GSM coverage in Gaspésie, Canada

I am thinking of going hiking in Gaspésie, QC, Canada. While I do not expect to rely on good/any GSM coverage, I will take my phone in case of emergency

What mobile network in Indonesia has the best 3G coverage?

I'm worried about 3G coverage because I am traveling all over Indonesia. That is: Sumatra, Java, Bali, Lombok, Sulawesi & Komodo.

Where to buy a 4G Telkomsel sim card in Indonesia?

I have been seeing advertising about the Telkomsel 4G sim card but I'm not able to find any place to buy it. I tried many small resellers but they only have 3G

What mobile network in Vietnam has the best 3G coverage?

I will be traveling all over Vietnam and I would like to be as often connected as possible. So having a sim card with the mobile network having the best 3G co

What mobile network has the best 4G coverage in Indonesia?

I want to use 4G as much as possible when traveling in Indonesia. Does anyone know (has experience?) which mobile network provides the best 4G coverage in Ind

Reliable mobile provider on the train from Utrecht to Eindhoven?

Let me be more specific. I'm traveling often by train from Utrecht to Eindhoven. I use my phone with Vodafone subscription but apparently it has a dead spot som

Buy mobile data in Morocco with Inwi SIM card

I've bought a standard 30DH Inwi SIM card. I recharged it online for 200DH to have more mobile data. That data ended very soon but I still have all my calling c

How fast is the mobile network (3G) in Myanmar (in February 2016)?

I found out on that the 3G coverage is very good coverage in the cities Yangon, Naypyitaw & Mandalay. Outside of these cities, things seem to

Japan pocket wifi that uses NTT Docomo

Are there any pocket wifi options that use NTT Docomo as the cellular provider? We will be travelling to a rural part of the Wakayama Prefecture and, based on

Mobile phone connectivity in Leh (Kashmir)

I'll be travelling to Leh, Ladakh, India this August. Concerned about the mobile connectivity there. Is there mobile networks coverage in Leh and Pangong Lake a

How to top-up an Indian mobile number with a non-Indian bank card?

Continuation of: Is there a possibility to preserve an unused Indian mobile number for a period of time? TLDR: People who travel to India couple of times a yea

How to use payphone for calls within Cuba?

I am considering to use payphone to contact casa particular administrators when I will be in Cuba. Should I buy some kind of card for it? How much does it cost?

Can I use a US simcard in the UK? [duplicate]

I will be travelling to the UK very soon and I don't want to change my phone numbers. There are certain very important calls I am expecting.

An iPhone purchased in the US: will it work in New Zealand?

I'm from New Zealand but am currently in the United States for the next few months. I plan to buy an unlocked iPhone 7 from Apple, use an AT&T SIM (which I

How to call an Italian mobile from a UK mobile while in Italy?

If I take my UK mobile (cell) phone to Italy how do I call an Italian phone number? I have an iPhone 5s but generic advice appreciated. I know from the UK I wo

Best phone provider for a three-month visit to Thailand? [duplicate]

I am going to visit Thailand in January 2018. I only have 3 Thai numbers and I hope to use a SIM card primarily for navigation and internet br

Can I get a Mexican SIM card in Cancun Airport?

I want to be able to FaceTime the U.K. from Mexico so I’d like to buy a SIM card and put it in my unlocked U.K. iPhone (there’s no WiFi where we&rsq

How do I make sure I'm not charged by my mobile carrier? [closed]

I'm currently in a different country from the one where I have mobile phone service. I turned the phone to airplane mode and only connect to t

A phone setup for frequent international travel

I'm currently travelling a lot between two countries (Denmark and Australia), and I might be adding a third country to that list (Netherlands). I'm servicing c