Category "czech-republic"

How to split time between Berlin and Prague? [closed]

We're a brother (27) and sister (25). What time division would you recommend us? a) Berlin -5.5 days, Prague 2.5 days b) Berlin -4.5 days, Pr

Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic - Suggestions for 3 week vacation [closed]

My wife and I are looking to take a vacation next year, in September, to the above noted countries. I would like to solicit the 'must see' pla

What are relaxed and interesting / not well-known things to see on a winter weekend in Prague? [closed]

I'm taking my girlfriend to Prague in a couple of weeks for her birthday. Neither of us can take much time off work at the moment, so it's a

Is it possible to carry pepper spray for self-defense? [closed]

I want to carry pepper spray with me when traveling for self-defense purposes only. Is there a way to be allowed to do that or is there any of

Is my U.S. driver's license valid in Europe?

Can I drive using my U.S. (New York State) license in the European Union (if the answer depends on the country, please answer for Czech Republic)?

Paying with Euro in Czech Republic

I'm traveling to Prague and I want to know where I can pay with euros (EUR) and where I have to pay with Czech korunas (CZK). I'm going to Prague's stadium to w

What's the cheapest public transport from Nürnberg to Prague?

What's the cheapest way to get from Nuremberg (Nürnberg) to Prague (and back) with public transport (buses, trains etc.)? I've found that ICE costs about

What's the cheapest SIM card with Internet for smartphone in Czech Republic? [duplicate]

I want to go to Prague for a few days and do there some geocaching. I need therefore SIM card with internet package or internet flat rate. I d

Is there a reason to prefer the bus to the train in the Czech Republic?

I'm traveling to Brno for a conference, and am making last-minute travel plans. The recommendation is to fly into Vienna and take ground transportation from the

Is it legal to smoke weed in Czech Republic?

I know that buying and selling marijuana in Prague is illegal. As I were there in October 2012 I haven't seen any coffee-shops, but I have seen a lot of people

How much would it cost to take a train from Krakow to Prague, Prague to Munich, Munich to Hamburg, and Hamburg to Warsaw?

I was thinking about purchasing the tickets at the local stations. I wanted to spend three weeks in Poland and a week in Prague, Munich, and Hamburg. I set asid

How to get from Prague to Punkva caves and Macocha abyss?

On my next trip to Prague I would like to visit the Punkva caves and Macocha abyss. Can I get there by public transport or is it better to rent a car from Pragu

Finding a place to stay between Czech border and Nuremberg

I'm driving from Prague to West Germany on the A6 and am looking for a nice place to stay overnight, preferably between Nuremberg and the Czech border. My wife

Tasting typical Czech cuisine in Prague [closed]

I'll be going to Prague in a few weeks. As usual for my job travels I'm trying also to enjoy the place, and in this case the cuisine. I tried

Prepaid cellphone (Handy) or SIM card for Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary?

I'm going to spend all May 2014 in Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungry and I want to have a smart phone to have the possibility to see maps and thins k

Austria - Czech Republic - Germany - What is the best option for mobile phone

I'm planning to spend about 10 days in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany, starting in Austria. I'd like to have mobile internet for maps and getting informat

Will the city of Prague be accessible during a marathon?

I booked a weekend trip to Prague from may 24th until the 26th and just discovered that there will be a running event like a marathon. Will the city be accessi

Crossing borders for a couple hours inside the Schengen area with a group of children

I'm a scoutmaster in the Czech Republic and we would like to visit Austria for couple hours with my scout troop (aged 12-16, we're all Czech citizens). Are ther

What are my accommodation options when doing a road trip in the Czech republic with children?

I am planning a road trip to the Czech republic. Everywhere I read that the czech republic is a relatively cheap destination. However, whenever searching online

Can you rely on local tourist information centres to find accommodation in the summer in the Czech republic?

I have asked a related question on finding accommodation during road-trip in the Czech Republic. One of the given answers suggests to inquire at the local touri