Category "geneva"

Repeated reminder email from EasyJet for API document

I'm flying to Geneva (Switzerland) in few days with EasyJet with my wife. I have provided both our passport details for advance passenger information. But kee

Hostel accommodation in Geneva

I'm struggling for choices of hostel accommodation in Geneva first weekend of December. between hostel world, hostel bookers, YHA and Hi hostels there are only

What is more effective seeking luggage damage compensation from the aiport or airline?

We found air luggage to be damaged after a flight and reported the damage right at the airport. The airport then advised us to seek damage compensation from the

Visiting CERN in Switzerland

Is it possible to visit the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) as a tourist to Geneva? Are there any guided tours? Which parts can be seen?

Touring the Large Hadron Collider [duplicate]

Any ideas as to how one might go about getting a tour of the Large Hadron Collider?

Getting a passport stamp while walking across a EU border

So I have three different types of passport stamps from my EU travels. One for flying into Frankfurt, one for taking the Eurostar from London to Paris and one f

How close is the Geneva Airport train station to the airport?

My plane departs from Geneva Airport (Geneva International terminal M) at 19:55. I'll be in Zürich and a bit short on time. If I take the train that arrive

Can I enter France via Switzerland (and then get a cab to France) on the Schengen visa? [duplicate]

I got a Schengen visa from the French Embassy, and I'm traveling to Annecy (France) for training. Is it possible to land 1st in Geneva (the ne

Travel from Lyon to Geneva Airport (French side)

I'll be in Lyon for a few days in June (taking a train from Paris) and planning to rent a car in Lyon. It sounds like I can drive from Lyon to the French side o

Which side of Lyria train to sit on from Paris to Geneva?

We're traveling from Paris to Geneva on the Lyria. Is there a more scenic side to sit on? Does upper or lower level have any impact on view? We're going first

What sort of clothing should I pack for a trip to Geneva in late October?

I will be visiting Geneva for a conference in the last week in October. I was wondering what sort of clothing I should pack for the weather, and also so I don't

Best option to get cheap flights for flying Vancouver to Geneva return 10 to 15 times

For the coming 5 years, my fiancee and I will travel once a year (maybe even twice a year for my fiancee) between from Vancouver to Geneva and return. I know n

Switzerland travel plan [closed]

I need some guidance on my travel plans. I have booked my return tickets from London to Geneva for August bank holiday. I'll have 3 complete

Nice paraglide spots nearby Geneva (Switzerland) by public transport

The last week of this month (March) I'll be in Geneva. There I would like make a tandemflight. I was wondering what's a nice place (mountainous area) to do this

From Geneva airport to Lausanne station

On September 4, I will be arriving in Geneva by airplane at approximately 11 AM. After that, I need to go to Lausanne. I have two questions: Do I need to buy a

Is it possible to get from a major airport to Morzine in the ski season using public transport?

We're planning a ski trip to morzine in the new year but I'd prefer not to rent a car. I could get a transfer but I'm hoping public transport will be more cost

Milano style hot chocolate in Geneva-Bern-Zurich?

I am in Switzerland and looking for a proper, thick hot chocolate, the kind where your spoon barely sinks into :) Something like this: To react to a deleted

Snowshoeing/hiking in December in Geneva

I'm looking for locations for snowshoeing or hiking that can be done at the end of December in Switzerland, preferably in the proximity of Geneva (1-2 hours awa

Why are there so many nonstop flights from London to Geneva?

I'll go skiing next March and wanted to have a brief look at the flights already, just to see what times are available. So I queried Google Flights and it showe

Baggage checked?

I am flying internationally for the first time to Cyprus. I am flying out of Dulles (IAD) to Geneva, then to Zurich, then on to Larnaca. My question is: How do