Category "pilgrimages"

How safe is it for "Western" Muslims to participlate in the Hajj and visit Mecca?

So as I hope you all know, the Hajj is a religious pilgrimage that Islam requests all its believers to participate in at least once in their lifetime if possibl

Differences between the Routes of the Camino de Santiago

I will be a first time "pilgrim" in July of the Camino de Santiago (Way of St James) and am deciding on the various routes. Can someone explain what differences

Are all parts of the 'Jesus trail' in Israel open and safe to hike solo?

The Jesus Trail in Israel is a 65km hiking and pilgrimage trail in Israel that traces the route Jesus is meant to have walked. I'm not that knowledgable about

How do western people perceive Indians worshipping cows in Hindu temples? [closed]

How do western people perceive Indians worshipping cows in Hindu temples? Indians worship cows and they consider it as a place where all the

Literary Pilgrimage to Top Withens, Yorkshire (Wuthering Heights)

This summer hundreds (maybe thousands) of tourists and literary pilgrims will make the trek from Haworth to the ruins of Top Withens. For the most part they wi

Can any of the Game of Thrones Castles in Ireland be Visited?

Westeros is a fictional locale in the popular 'Game of Thrones' series. Its stock footage for some castles is filmed in the Republic of Ireland. I would like t

Butterfly Hunting in Montreux Switzerland

Later this summer, scores of literary mavens from all over the world will converge on Montreux Switzerland to celebrate Vladimir Nabokov's life and works. The

What are the options to travel to Mecca or Jabal al-Nour as a non-Muslim?

I'm not a Muslim (I consider myself as Jain/Hindu, etc) but I wish to travel around Mecca. There is a common belief around the world that only Muslims are allow

How to get a direct darshan, avoiding all the queues, in Tirupati Balaji Temple?

This is specific to India and Indian people. My wife and I visit Tirupati Balaji Temple regularly and take darshan after going through long queues. Even for a R

Visiting the Vatican as a pilgrim?

My wife would like to visit Vatican City. We are from Canada. My wife has mobility issues and I was wondering if it is at all possible to stay at the Vatican, e

Following in the Footsteps of Hemingway in Italy

History tells us that the author Ernest Hemingway was stationed in Italy during World War I. He was billeted in the town of Villa Ca Erizzo Luca where he drove

Fastest way to reach St-Jean-Pied-de-Port from Barcelona or other Spanish airports

This summer I would like to walk on the Camino de Santiago. I want to start from St-Jean-Pied-de-Port and walk for 300 km. My idea is to reach Barcelona by plan

Travelling to the Sacred Well in Walsingham Norfolk (Sacred Spring in England)

Somewhat related to this question and this question, I hope to visit the holy well in Walsingham Norfolk, arguably the most widely acknowledged holy well in Eas

Recreating Hemingway's Trip to Pamplona (Part 1)

In about three weeks one of Europe's most widely known events will take place: the legendary running of the bulls in Pamlona, or known locally as the "Fiesta de

Is the St-Jacques de Compostelle pilgrimage realistic for a non-experienced hiker?

From what I can understand, the terrain is not particularily hard, but the trail is certainly very long. Given good enough boots and good planning for food and

What St-Jacques de Compostelle routes offers the most sightseeing while remaining well supported?

I wish to do the St-Jacques-de-Compostelle pilgrimage. I am deciding which path would be best for me. My main criteria is having lots of support infrastructur

Do's and Dont's of doing a pilgrimage as an atheist?

I plan on doing the St-Jacques-de-Compostelle pilgrimage, but I am also unequivocally atheist. My motivation for undergoing a (mostly) religious pilgrimage is p

Following in the footsteps of Jason Bourne

I'm not as traditional a pilgrim as many of Travel SE's distinguished members. I've visited a couple of film studios, however I thought it might be interesting

Walking 14 km on a pilgrimage road where footwear may be considered disrespectful

There's this 14 km long road that's one of the main attractions in Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India. The road goes all the way around a small mountain called

Are there any formal religious pilgrimage journeys to take in the USA or Canada?

In Europe, there are specific formalized paths to take when going on many religious, especially Roman Catholic, pilgrimages. In at least some cases, traveling a