Category "peru"

Where can I find up-to-date information about roadblocks and strikes in Peru and Bolivia?

I need to travel from Cusco, Peru to La Paz, Bolivia next month but people in both countries have a habit of blocking roads quite frequently. Every now and the

Can anyone recommend a good trekking tour for Machu Picchu?

I'm planning on heading to Peru to visit Machu Picchu next year. I heard there are some amazing and beautiful "long way around" treks that take you up and arou

Which border crossing should I take between Ecuador and Peru

There are four border crossings between Ecuador and Peru. In order of importance: Huaquillas Macará La Balsa Nuevo Rocafuerte I have heard the main

Gluten-free eating in Peru

For travellers going to Peru, I imagine from what I've seen there that being gluten-intolerant (or even vegetarian) may be quite difficult. Are there any loc

Is it worth visiting the Nazca Lines from the ground if seeing them from a plane is not an option?

The Nazca lines are some very famous geoglyphs in Peru. For example you can see a dog in this picture: Picture from Wikipedia From a plane or a satelitte or

Travelling to Peru, Ecuador, Galapagos with kids

My wife and I are planning to go to Peru and Ecuador. And also would like to visit Galapagos while we are there so I have quite a few questions but will start

Vaccinations and medicines for Peru and Ecuador

As in my previous question let me start by stating family and I are planning to travel to Peru and Ecuador, we are planning to also visit the Amazon lodge such

Local cuisine in Peru

I am planning to travel to Peru, and one of the things that I do like to do every place I visit is to try out the local dishes like: Cozido das Furnas on Azores

Preparing to take a 5 year old on the hike to Machu Picchu

I am planning to take my 5 year old on a trek through Peru. One of the places to visit is Machu Picchu. Given its location above sea level I was wondering how

How to recognize fake Peruvian money?

It has happened to me at least twice in Peru, that someone gave me a fake 5 soles coin. Most shop vendors were able to spot this instantly and refused to accept

Do I still have to pay airport fee in Lima?

Six years ago, when I was leaving from Lima Jorge Chávez International Airport, there was airport fee of 30.25 USD. I had to pay this fee even If I alrea

Climate in Peru in September

My girlfriend and I want to travel in South America in September, and we were thinking Peru. How is the climate in Peru's interest points this time of year? Wh

Where to exchange US dollars in Peru?

US dollars are very popular currency in Peru. Even salary was paid in USD instead of Peruvian soles (probably because of inflation). What is the best way/place

Taking expensive camera gear to a South America trip?

I intend to travel to South America, mainly Chile, Peru and Ecuador, but maybe also Bolivia and Colombia. The thing is, I want to take some decent landscape and

5 weeks in Peru + Bolivia + Chile, is too little time?

I'm planning to travel alone, using buses/trains. I would also like to spend few days every so often on the beach to rest... in both Peru and Chile. Does it s

From Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Lima (Peru) by flight?

What are the cheapest/shorter flights from Amsterdam, The Netherlands to Lima, Peru and viceversa ? The flights I've found stop over at Madrid, and are around

Do I need to get a visa before flying for one month holiday to Peru and Bolivia?

Do I need to get a visa before flying to Peru and Bolivia for one month holiday? Or can I just get it once I've landed there ? I'm from Europe (The Netherlan

Peru: Should I have a passport expiring at least 6 months later my arrival?

My passport is expiring this summer, however I'm planning to travel to Peru in March/April. Do I need to renew my passport before to leave ? I heard that they

Are power supplies with different frequencies an issue for charging my phone?

This question can sound stupid, but better ask then see your device burnt :) I'm going to Peru for a trip, and the power supplies there have the same voltage a

Machu Picchu in April: to reserve a tour or not to reserve?

I've seen this post about it, but I've dug a little bit more into the topic on the web and some people suggest to reserve in advance, in particular for the main