Category "officials"

When travelling overland in Russia I hear you must register with the police in each new place, but does this cost money?

When travelling overland in Russia (i.e. not on the Trans-Siberian) I hear you must register with the police in each new place, but does this cost money? I kno

Tactics to avoid getting harassed by corrupt police?

In Uzbekistan I was stopped, searched and questioned six times in one day. At the border with Tajikistan, one official tried hiding my paperwork to elicit some

Are there any laws which prohibit officials from taking a passport out-of-reach of the passport holder?

Normally when you cross a border, the border guards check your passport in your view (i.e. the passport never becomes out-of-sight for the passport-holder). Bu

What does a genuine TSA badge look like?

While reading a news article on newly observed TSA practices a commenter mentioned "How many people know what a TSA badge is really supposed to look like?" It'

Does my government know in which country I am at when I travel?

I guess this is the type of question I should start with "a friend of mine wants to know..." but I was wondering if in general governments keep a record that ge

Is it legal for officials to hold my foreign driver's license as a guarantee for a traffic fine?

I was pulled over again today in Mexico, for an illegal left turn. The officer wanted to hold my driver's license until I paid the fine--as is common practice

Does an (almost) full passport increase the time you spend at immigration?

I have been in front of immigration officers who thoroughly inspect every stamp in my passport. Is it a proper inference that it is more efficient to travel on

Police ride along in London

In a lot of US cities citizens can do police ride alongs. You can do so in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, TX, etc. What about in London? If I was

Are foreigners allowed to take a police ride-along in the US?

I recently found out about the police ride-along thing, at first I thought it is some fiction in movies. Anyway, are tourists on B1/B2 visas allowed to take tha

Carrying a copy of my passport in Romania

From what I gather from the following review "Miscellaneous" Bucharest Warnings Or Dangers Tip by Romanian_Bat the police might stop me and ask for my passport

Does a US immigration officer really have the power to deny entry to the country at personal will?

Quite some comments exist that in the end it is the individual immigration officer that has the final call to let you enter the US or not and that there is no w

Tactics to avoid getting harassed by corrupt police?

In Uzbekistan I was stopped, searched and questioned six times in one day. At the border with Tajikistan, one official tried hiding my paperwork to elicit some

What are police procedures in France when the victim is a traveler?

I have a friend who went to France a few days ago. Now I have received the following message from a friend of hers: "Hello, I'm Amanda's friend (fictional name

Laptop, travel and illegal content [closed]

Is it true that in some Europe countries like Germany, UK, Italy... etc. if you use your computer in a airport or similar public place, a poli

How to deal with the fake police scam in Spain?

I have read so many internet articles about safety in Spain, and the fake police scam is one of the most mentioned problems. Most of those reported cases are t

Carrying confidential corporate data into US on laptop/Drive/device - how to prevent data theft?

If I travel to the US and had privacy concerns (for instance may be I was afraid that a rogue customs official may steal said data) what is the current recommen

Why police didn't even block me once at the airport arrivals?

First of all, I'm not a terrorist or a drug courier. Starting in June 2012, I began flying from Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport (FCO) to Falcone&ndas

Cards, dices, poker chips, board games, etc. in Thailand

I've read that cards have actually been outlawed a while ago in Thailand to crack down gambling. I know that it's illegal to own poker chips as that's classifie

Can I travel by plane with my residence permit, ID card, Geprivelgeerde Dutch card from Holland to Budapest, with my expired passport?

I applied for my passport, but have not received it yet, I have to fly to Budapest next Thursday and are back on Sunday. I am flying from Schipol to Budapest. I

UK Immigration officers arrivals interview questions

When interviewing arrivals seeking entry, what questions do UK Immigration offices ask? Also, what will be asked on the landing card?