Category "hungarian-citizens"

When is the 10 years officially up for return to US by previous overstay

• Originating country: Hungary. • I-94 obtained with initial US entry in later nineties. • No deportation just left the US sometime in 2007

Overstayed visa in Hungary, but attained citizenship during this time. What will happen to me when I leave?

I came to Hungary (from the US) for family business and during my stay here I attained Hungarian citizenship. However, I have overstayed my 90 day visa. When I

Can my partner travel to Hungary alone with an EU/EEA family member visa

I'm travelling home to Hungary and my partner can't come with me on the same day due to work, but he can after a couple of days. He has an EU/EEA family member

Is it possible for a Hungarian national to obtain a Chinese visa in The 'Stans / Central Asia?

I have a well-travelled Hungarian friend currently in Kyrgyzstan in his travels around Central Asia. He says he can't go to Mongolia overland on this trip beca

As a Hungarian national, can I enter the Schengen area through Austria, while traveling from Tanzania?

I plan on traveling to Zanzibar, Tanzania. I would drive from Budapest to Vienna, then fly from there though either Doha or Dubai. As far as I know, this part o