Category "guidebooks"

Where can I find a guidebook of Menorca?

I'm looking for a guidebook to visit Menorca. For other travels I used to get the "Lonely Planet" guide, but there isn't any of Menorca, and I think that get on

Can anyone recommend me a good travel book about the area Black Forest in Germany? [closed]

I am going on a holiday the south of Germany for one week. And I am looking for a good book about Black Forest (in English). I like hiking and

Travel guides that covers the International E-road network?

During the last days I read a lot about the International E-road network in Europe. Since I'm a big road trip fan, I really would like to follow more or less on

How to choose a guide book for your next trip?

So I have decided which country I want to visit next and go down to the local travel book store. On the shelves they have over ten different travel guide books

Guidebook helping to choose travel destination

Is there a travel guide exist that would cover a number of countries and only list some general information about travelling there? E.g. what are the main attra

Prehistoric sites in England / British Isles

I happen to live in London now and I am interested in visiting some of the prehistoric sites of the British Isles like the Stonehenge, the Uffington White Horse

Normal LonelyPlanet guides vs. the new Discover series

Has anyone tried using the new Lonely Planet Discover series guides for backpacking? Surely they look much better with all these pictures, but do they contain t

Travel guide to Kaliningrad?

I'm looking for a travel guide (i.e. book) to Kaliningrad. Are there any particularly useful English-language references for visitors to Kaliningrad? I am par

Is there a guide regarding places least known/visited in Japan?

While I can find guides regarding places to visit in Japan, they all seem to promote the same places Tokyo shopping, inner city shrines, etc. Is there a website

Kindle version of WikiTravel?

Is everyone's favorite open content travel guide, WikiTravel, available in some sort of Kindle / off-line format? Since I'll be travelling around, I won't have

Travel literature about cycling along the Rhine

I'm looking for traveling literature that covers the topic of cycling along the Rhine river. There are a lot of books, but I couldn't find any that covers all m

Hard copy travel guides with information on Tohoku post-tsunami

The 12th edition of Lonely Planet Japan entirely removed Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures. I ended up bringing the 11th edition (pre-earthquake) with me

How am I supposed to travel with all these hard copy guidebooks?

Following the suggestions of many TA.SE posts, I've purchased two travel guides for each country I'll be staying in (for more comprehensive coverage). But this

Guide to Grand Canyon wildlife

Are there any guidebooks for finding and identifying wildlife in the Grand Canyon area? For example when (what season, month, time of day, etc.) and where (cert

Are there any good guides for what to take on a bicycle trek on the Pacific coast (Seattle to San Francisco)?

I'll be cycling through relatively lonely areas for a few weeks (towns every 40 miles or so). I'm looking for a good guide on what gear to pack. It's the Paci

Index of local food blogs for a city?

Occasionally I run across blogs or websites that have excellent reviews of city food of all stripes, from fancy places to street carts. The theme is "find the b

What's the difference in content and focus between "Wallpaper*" guidebooks and others?

Different guidebook brands tend to be suited for different types of travelling and specialised in different ways. For example, I find Bradt guides to be great f

How can you detect that a WikiVoyage page is out of date?

For my current trip to Cairns, one of the resources I used was the Cairns WikiVoyage page. The page is of a decent length, and has guide article status, so I fi

Is there a directory or website indexing smaller travel guides? [closed]

There are a lot of good travel guides out there that are either local or targeted to a specific group. Example guides that appeal to me perso

Western Europe Lonely Planet Travel Guide for a trip from Paris to Milan for Expo Milano [closed]

I intend to travel from Paris to Milan (and other cities on the way, if I have time). I'm going to buy Western Europe Lonely Planet Travel Gui