Category "medical-tourism"

Travel to US for medical treatment

Is an ESTA enough to travel to the USA for medical treatment for the UK Residents?

Is there any specific destination in Southeast Asia famed for dentistry?

I've heard in the past that certain countries or cities are popular "medical tourism" destinations, but not paid a whole lot of attention. But this morning jus

Cosmetic/Dental Surgery in Thailand - Resources? [closed]

I'm traveling to Thailand soon and wanted to get some mild dental & cosmetic surgery done. Actually it's not very cosmetic, but some neces

Orthopedic medical tourism in Cuba?

I am suffering a muscle pain and I also have a profound hatred for the U.S. healthcare, including making phone calls to see if some provider is "in network" and

Can I reenter the UK on the visa-free regime?

My wife is a US citizen. She was given a 180-day private medical visa to the UK finishing on 24th August. She left the UK on 16th July after using 97 days of th

Is it legal to visit the US on a tourist visa for the purpose of giving birth?

Some friends of mine would like their baby to be born in the US, so that their child can obtain US citizenship upon birth. They both have a valid B1/B2 visa and

Does a US national need a medical visa to receive treatment in Australia?

I'm travelling to Australia soon to receive a medical procedure from a gastroenterologist who provides a treatment not available in the US (which I intend to pa

When obtaining gender reassignment/plastic surgery overseas, is an emergency travel document required to return home?

I am planning to accompany a friend on an overseas trip, where my friend will be undertaking several medical procedures to finish transitioning gender. These pr

US Healthcare consultation for visitors

I work in the US on a H1 visa and my parents are visiting me for a couple months. My mom has developed arthritis and I wanted to get second opinion from a docto

Where can I find a Korean-English phrasebook in the form of laminated cards?

Soon, I'm hoping to travel to South Korea to get voice surgery. I remember hearing of these laminated cards that you could use to point to a phrase or something

Where can I travel to receive a COVID vaccine as a tourist?

According to a recent FT article: Doses of the coronavirus vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford could be available f

Sputnik V vaccine for non-Russians

As more Russian citizens are vaccinated and the country ramps up its production, is there any possibility that Sputnik V will become available for those traveli

Get 2nd dose of COVID vaccine in the US as a tourist

I recently got my 1st dose of (Pfizer) COVID vaccine in Canada and might have to wait 2-4 months (likely 2) for my 2nd dose. I don't want to get into the debate

Pain management emergency in Mexico

A friend of mine (American) is in Mexico (Playa del Carmen, near Cancun). She’s in extreme abdominal pain due to several chronic conditions (11/10 pain).

Given the name of a US pharmaceutical drug, how can I know its equivalent in other countries?

To prepare for international travel, given the name of a US pharmaceutical drug, I sometimes need to know the name of its equivalent in other countries. How can