Category "minneapolis"

Seattle to Minneapolis - Cheapest flight option for the next 2 days? [closed]

So i need to travel this week to a state and return flight ticket is $800+. I obviously don't want to pay this much. Is there a way or "hack"

How much time do I need to allow for transit in a US airport (Minneapolis)?

I am flying from Los Angeles to Bangalore. I have a flight option from LAX to Minneapolis and from there to Paris. I have only 45 minutes at Minneapolis before

Layover Minneapolis

Tonight I'll fly from Anchorage and I'll have a layover in Minneapolis. I will arrive at 7.36am and leave at 2.52pm (both terminal 1). I have few questions:

Finding a flight plan for a private plane [closed]

Can I find a flight plan for a private plane that would have landed and taken off on November 2nd 2016 St Paul, MN airport? This is related to

6h waiting time in Minneapolis airport, enough for a trip to Mall of America?

I'm European and on my flight back from Philadelphia to Europe I have almost 6h waiting time in Minneapolis airport (5h 50min). It is our return flight, so we h

How much time do I need to allow for transit in a US airport (Minneapolis)?

I am flying from Los Angeles to Bangalore. I have a flight option from LAX to Minneapolis and from there to Paris. I have only 45 minutes at Minneapolis before