Category "agra"

Why does Agra have cows on most roads and public areas whereas Delhi does not?

So I visited Agra the other day and there were cows everywhere. On the side of the road, on the road and in one case sleeping on the road. Meanwhile in Delhi, t

Travel to Agra during layover in Delhi (rail)

I have booked separate Rajdhani Express Rail tickets for Jammu-Delhi and Delhi-Kolkata. I'll reach Delhi from Jammu on 6am of 23th August. My next train for Kol

Is it possible to buy Taj Mahal tickets at the spot instead of online?

I've been reading sites, and I know that it's possible to buy tickets to visit Taj Mahal in advance online, but is it possible to buy tickets at the spot - in A

Are Agra main attractions closed on 31st of December?

I'm planing a trip to India for the end of this year, and I want to know if Agra main attractions are closed on the 31st of December (like the Taj Mahal and Agr