Category "local-knowledge"

Hostel location in Vancouver

I'm eyeing up a property in Burnaby to stay in Vancouver. Is this a suitable area? It claims it's only 15 min by Skytrain to downtown, but often that doesn't me

Avoiding or minimising altitude sickness?

From my personal anecdotal experience, I've seen first-hand some horror stories with altitude sickness. I will always tell people now to acclimatise, drink flu

Places in and around Bangalore [closed]

Like most of them in Bangalore, I am a software professional, new to the city. I heard a lot about Bangalore and that there are so many beauti

How do I become a better tourist guide for my own city or country?

I'm planning a trip to Melbourne, which is only a short plane trip away from Sydney, and currently I'm planning on using the same information sources to plan my

How do you choose a restaurant when travelling?

When travelling almost everyone wants to enjoy a local meal. It's part of the travelling experience. If you're not careful, you may end up in an expensive, "ext

Petrol station in Folkestone before boarding the Eurotunnel train

Where is the most convenient petrol station to fill up if we have some spare time before boarding the Eurotunnel train? Is it possible to fill-up after checking

Are there ley lines in Bangladesh?

Does any one know of ley lines (or major/minor vortices) in Bangladesh ? Especially near Dhaka ? Even around the Indian Bangladesh border should be alright.

Tourist guide for self-made holiday [closed]

I usually travel planning the vacation by myself. During my holiday I notice a real difference between cities visited alone from cities visit

What do people do on National Anthem Day in Romania

While planning a trip, I was looking through a list of public holidays for Romania on wikipedia. I'm interested to learn about National Anthem Day ("Dește

How would you refer to / search on this Alpine region?

Alpine Locals, noticing the area I have shaded in Photoshop ... I'm totally confused whether that would be the "North Tirol", "southern German Tirol", Oberam

Australian passport processing time overseas

I went into the consulate the other day to apply for the renewal of my Australian passport as I was born there and haven't renewed it in the past year. I had al

Which are safe and unsafe regions in Iran?

Now there's a lot of propaganda in the west that leads us to believe Iran is dangerous and travellers shouldn't go there. Obviously there are major political d

Where can I see snake charmers in India?

I know that snake charming is mostly a myth nowadays in India; yet, are there some places, likely tourist traps, where one can see this marvelous performance?

Are there any department stores in Salzburg?

As part of my travels I currently find myself in Salzburg, where the streets are filled with stores, but as far as I can tell no larger malls. Are there any de

The Leh Ladakh "ban of non-local vehicles" situation status?

This is an email I received from Zoom Car on July 28 Dear Zoomer, This is a follow-up on the Ladakh Travel Advisory (about ban of non-local vehicles inclu

A cosy café in central Paris that is open late at night?

I'm looking for a late night café in Paris which has the following requirements: Open late or all night (until at least 1 AM) on Fridays or Saturdays Ca

Possibility of meeting people with the name Vasco da Gama in Portugal? [closed]

Is it still possible to meet people with the famous name Vasco da Gama In Portugal?

What street foods can I eat in Italy?

Sometimes I don't want to go eat at restaurants. So, What are the typical foods that are available on streets in Italy?

What do locals call San Francisco?

I heard that San Franciscans hate nicknames like "San Fran" or "Frisco". If I want to travel around San Francisco without sounding like a rube, what should I ca

Taming the nightmare of public toilets in the UK

Public toilets in the UK are established and maintained by the local authorities, most commonly local councils. This is great for people that advocate local au