Category "bavaria"

How much scaffolding is currently on Neuschwanstein Castle?

I will be in Munich for 2-3 days in a couple of weeks. I am trying to determine if it is worth taking the time to go out to Neuschwanstein Castle, given both t

Trip in the south of Germany [closed]

I am planning an approximately 6-day trip in Germany with some friends(20-30 years old). From what I have read, there are plenty to see, so we

Inexperienced traveler: move every day or two, or use a home base? [closed]

I am planning a short trip to Bavaria, Austria, and the Czech Republic. This will be my first trip to Europe. I will arrive to Munich by plane

Where to buy the best tour to Neuschwanstein castle?

We are going to visit Neuschwanstein castle in September. And can`t choose the tour agent to buy this day tour from Munich. Did anybody take such tour from Muni

What kind of ticket is required to travel to other zones having Nuremberg periodical ticket for tariff A?

I'm really lost trying to understand the tariff for Nuremberg (Nürnberg) public transport. This is the most complicated thing I've ever met. 10 tariff zone

Finding a place to stay between Czech border and Nuremberg

I'm driving from Prague to West Germany on the A6 and am looking for a nice place to stay overnight, preferably between Nuremberg and the Czech border. My wife

Cheap flights in the Nuremberg area?

I've heard that the airport in Nuremberg is very expensive, so the cheap flight lines are preferring to fly from other airport nearby. Unfortunately, I've faile

Trails for barefoot walking near Nuremberg (Bavaria)?

Where are the trails adequate for barefoot walking (novices) near the Nuremberg (Franconian Switzerland, Franconian Alps)? I've noticed that most of trails in t

Shelters near trails in Bavaria?

I have a question about the shelters/mountain huts in Bavaria. I'd like to plan a few-days hiking. Are there such shelters or mountain huts near the long-dista

What is this strange monument near Bamberg Altenburg?

I was recently in Bamberg (north-west Bavaria), and when visiting Altenburg I've stumbled upon this strange monument:        

Cheap accommodation in Fichtelgebirge?

Are there any cheap/economic class accommodations available in Fichtelgebirge (in German part)? I've searched for mountain huts there, but I haven't found anyt

Tipping in hotels in Germany

When staying in a hotel in Germany (Bavaria), what are the customs concerning tipping hotel staff, in particular chambermaids? Is tipping expected, and if yes,

Combining Regio-Ticket Bayern with "Grossraum" tickets?

If you stay in Middle-Franconia (Nuremberg and surrounding) for more than a week and want to travel withing that region with public transport, probably the chea

How would you refer to / search on this Alpine region?

Alpine Locals, noticing the area I have shaded in Photoshop ... I'm totally confused whether that would be the "North Tirol", "southern German Tirol", Oberam

Bayern/Bavaria Ticket purchased is valid only for the itinerary mentioned?

I have purchased a Bayern Ticket to use in Munich for a day of travel from Munich Hbf to Neuschwanstein castle and back. I missed ticking the "local transport"

Why has this dress been met with surprise at the Oktoberfest in Munich?

We are Brazilians and we have been in Oktoberfest, so my wife made a dress here in Brazil trying to do something close to the Dirndl dress, but during the entir

What's the proper etiquette for visiting the German Biergartens?

I passed through Munich last year and stopped at one of the biergartens. Well I tried. It was absolutely packed, it took forever to find a seat. At least one I

How can I reach Marktoberdorf from Munich Airport? Disabled person

First of all (its quite important) I need to say, that I am a disabled person, and walk with a crutch. In about two weeks I'm flying from Poland to Munich Airpo

What is the most comprehensive website for booking parking spots in Munich/Bavaria?

For work purposes I need to stay in a suburban city near Munich that has very limited public transport. I am therefore using a car to get around. Occasionally

Why no cider in Bavaria?

I just came back from a week in Bavaria, Germany and I was rather surprised to find there was no cider anywhere. I stayed in Rothenburg and Nurenberg and everyw