Category "geek-travel"

Geek stuff to do in Las Vegas

Obviously, the Star Trek Experience would have been a good suggestion. But consider that I'm a science fiction geek, computer programmer, technologist, those ki

Interesting computer history museum in Central Europe?

I'm looking for a good museum that is dedicated to computer history in Central Europe. Are there any recommendations?

Is there a museum anywhere at least partly about Rubik's Cube or Ernő Rubik?

Last year while I was in Budapest I had a realization that I was in the home of one of my favourite toys/puzzles/gadgets: Rubik's Cube. So I thought there must

Computer geek tourist attractions in the San Francisco Bay Area & Silicon Valley?

We're planning a family vacation to the San Francisco Bay Area & Silicon Valley, and one of the highlights I don't want to miss is the Computer History Muse

Is there a video game museum anywhere in Europe?

I'm looking for a museum that collects video games. Preferably, the museum should be located in Europe.

Where can I see an Apollo spacecraft?

Is there any museum that has a Apollo spacecraft that I can visit? I'm interested in this kind of spacecrafts because they have a really impressive history, e.g

Is there a famous museum about conspiracies?

I'm a huge fan of popular conspiracy theories, like the faked moon landing, 9/11 or Nazis living in Antarctica. Is there anywhere a museum or something similar

The Atomic Testing Museum: Suitable for small children?

A friend of mine is going to California this summer. Since he is generally very interested in science and technology he is considering visiting The Atomic Testi

Are there any travel websites that offer incentives for users to achieve certain tasks on their travels?

I was just talking to some people about how on my travels I contribute to OpenStreetMap and Google Maps / Mapmaker mainly to help other travellers find stuff th

Are there any tours or opportunities available to the public where one can see Cherenkov Radiation?

Cherenkov Radiation (in my layman's understanding) is a blue light that appears when particles with an electric charge go through a medium faster than the speed

Visiting CERN in Switzerland

Is it possible to visit the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) as a tourist to Geneva? Are there any guided tours? Which parts can be seen?

Attend a lecture in computer science while travelling in the UK

I'm planning a trip to the UK in May. I will stay in London, Edinburgh and Dundee. It would be very interesting for me to attend a lecture in computer science t

Is the Fibonacci crocodile still being displayed at the Centre Pompidou in Paris?

In 2004 I visited the Centre Pompidou in Paris and back then I really liked the Fibonacci crocodile. Being a fan of numbers, I like art where numbers play a cru

Guided tours of Japanese nuclear power plants

Do any Japanese nuclear power plants offer guided tours of their facilities? I'm aware that most nuclear plants in Japan are currently not producing electricity

When is the best time to go to Ani-Com (ACGHK) in Hong Kong?

Ani-Com (ACGHK) is an anime/comic exhibition/conference. In 2013, it will take place from 26th to 30th July. My question is when is the best time (day, and time

Is it possible to go on a tour of the Stack Exchange headquarters?

On the Stack exchange network, podcast, blogs, and more, we hear a lot about the team at Stack Exchange Inc. headquarters in New York City, the work environment

Visiting the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile?

Did anyone visit Very Large Telescope in Chile? If so, what was your experience contacting VLT staff? I've tried to contact them through the form on their websi

How to find coworker space in Berlin as a tourist?

I will be traveling to Berlin, where I will meet with some friends. We would like to have a hackathon which means doing computer work for which we would need an

Touring the Large Hadron Collider [duplicate]

Any ideas as to how one might go about getting a tour of the Large Hadron Collider?

How can I measure and log the amount of radiation while being on a plane?

I am a sensorophile. I like to measure and keep logs of anything. Sometimes it is even pathetic to the extent that I am really disappointed if I am not able to